Exciting Announcement (For me that is, not the rest of you!)

Thats horrible to hear, but i'm sure you soon be recovered and off to your new home, just keep smiling, your be there eventually!! :D
Well I got discharged tonight at least. 6 weeks till they have advised that I do anything too energetic. Including work that isn't just sitting still at a desk :/ so that screws up any plans of working till the end of the season or doing much clubbing

I really do think my life is cursed. Nobody else I have ever met has this bad luck! It's as if the universe was trying to tell me that moving to ibiza is not the right thing.
Sorry to hear about this - rotten thing to happen and wish you a speedy recovery.
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Well I got discharged tonight at least. 6 weeks till they have advised that I do anything too energetic. Including work that isn't just sitting still at a desk :/ so that screws up any plans of working till the end of the season or doing much clubbing

I really do think my life is cursed. Nobody else I have ever met has this bad luck! It's as if the universe was trying to tell me that moving to ibiza is not the right thing.
Jeez... really sorry to hear about your troubles. Hope you get well soon!

Don't worry. The universe is mostly made up of a bunch of inanimate objects so it is almost certainly not trying to tell you anything ;)
Hope you get well soon. Any idea when you will be able to head out to the white isle?
Don't give up on your dream Wednesday23 , you control your own destiny , think and surround yourself with positive thoughts . All the best !