Enslaved by K

People do want to know how many drugs other people have done. Give this guy a call, he may be able to help.


years ago, about 6 or 7 years ago, one of my mates called frank one night to enquire about the side effects/dangers of taking ketamine...

frank promptly hung up on him. On the return call they told him to stop phoning, hung up on him and barred his number.

Not very helpful for a drugs helpline.
years ago, about 6 or 7 years ago, one of my mates called frank one night to enquire about the side effects/dangers of taking ketamine...

frank promptly hung up on him. On the return call they told him to stop phoning, hung up on him and barred his number.

Not very helpful for a drugs helpline.

how nice of them!

People do want to know how many drugs other people have done. Give this guy a call, he may be able to help.


People sharing their personal experience, good or bad, surely can only be a good thing in my view.

You'll certainly learn more about it than in many newspaper articles or government funded PR campaigns.
:lol: Is that typical k-head behaviour then? Must admit, I don't know enough about the drug to immediately spot a user!

Dancefloor collapses when friends form a defensive dancing circle round the collapsed person and tell you not to bother.. their friend is fine [followed by said person staggering to feet a wee bit later and dancing in a decidedly 'mal co-ordinated'] way are typically K-related. Well, at events where it's blatantly clear they're not suffering from over-doing it at the bar anyway ;).

People who behave like an animal who has just been shot with a tranquilizer dart in a Safari Park have also likely just had a big old dose of it :!:
So is the guy in the clip definitely on K rather than mandy? He's definitely got a gurn going on, as well as seemingly tracking invisible objects. :lol:
This is the problem with drugs, glorious drugs - the time you have on them vs the way you look on them. :confused: I've been laughed at a few times in the time between coming out of a club and getting safely to my hotel room, and I don't think I go THAT mad.