Enslaved by K

I read it could be legally manufactured in India (and this supplied UK), but manufacturing is now being restricted (or banned) there, so good chance it'll disappear or at least become harder to find.

Not sure about now but you could certainly purchase vials of it off the shelf in India not so long ago.
especially from after-parties. Hard to have fun around a bunch of junkie corpses !

I have to say in moderation at afters I've found it to create very very funny moments, luckily never seen any lifeless corpses in my experiences yet though
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My advice is NEVER do it Phil. I partied on Ket for a good few months when I was in Uni and my experiences got more and more terrifying the more I did it.

I can't see myself trying it to be honest. The very use of the term 'K-Hole says a lot for me. I like the idea that when I take MDMA I'm alert and awake and that, even though I may chat utter bollocks, I'll still respond positively to people if they try to interact with me. Ket just sounds so insular.

I was once at a squat party in London and a mate of mine was doing Ket. We had done a small amount of MDMA and coke. But our mate on Ket was sat their for ages just staring at his remaining bag of Ket, completely not able to talk. You could see he was trying to put a sentence together but it was as if his lips were days behind his brain, or vise-versa.

There are drugs I'm still yet to try that I would given the opportunity. This isn't one of them though.
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Govt looking for a higher classification for K.


Just reading the letter gets right on my wick, as if any psychoactive substance (bar alcohol!) is a threat (although I do agree K, with it's link to bladder problems, probably deserves a higher classification)! :rolleyes:

To be honest I don't think Govt classification of any of these things means much. It's how people in the 'scene' and across communities react to something which is much more relevant. If unpleasant things are nudged out of 'fashion' or pushed down to minority cliques that has far more practical effect in regulating use. It's not like young people are incapable of exerting peer pressure and trend in any other context, is it ? They just have to want things to change in enough numbers. I'm hoping they reach their own conclusions loosely as a 'group'.

Going for Khat as a priority is a joke though - hope it's not merely on account of the communities in which it's usually used .. as that would be very partisan !

Note to self : must stop reading government action / approach to this sort of thing as will get very wound up !
My friend did it once, and after drinking heavily.
Had a generally unpleasant trip, which has put me off ever going near such a thing.

From a personal view point, I do believe that the entire drugs classification system needs to be looked at. One of the Lib Dem's items on their manifesto was just that, which was quietly dropped when they formed the coalition government.
I have to say in moderation at afters I've found it to create very very funny moments, luckily never seen any lifeless corpses in my experiences yet though

Have to agree. All of these scare stories are from people becoming addicted or massively overdoing it on a night out. Any time i've done it i've hada right good laugh! Might just be me and you though Ferd it seems...
It's been kicking around the party scene for a very long time - at least 16 years I am 100% certain of that. Originally experimentally pressed unannounced into certain ingestibles too .. memorably turning a '90s Hogmanay celebration into a scene from Shaun of the Dead. Didn't take anyone with any nouse long to work out a horrible mistake had occurred and something was very very wrong indeed!

Yes I remember that, and what a right bummer it was!

Ket, disgusting, revolting, no thanks
To be honest I don't think Govt classification of any of these things means much. It's how people in the 'scene' and across communities react to something which is much more relevant. If unpleasant things are nudged out of 'fashion' or pushed down to minority cliques that has far more practical effect in regulating use. It's not like young people are incapable of exerting peer pressure and trend in any other context, is it ? They just have to want things to change in enough numbers. I'm hoping they reach their own conclusions loosely as a 'group'.

True. Classification probably doesn't stop people from taking a substance, but it comes into play in the unlikely event of one being caught with it.

I suppose it comes back to the :?: why is K so popular? But then I've never taken it, or anything like it. My mate was into DXM (similar substance, used in cough medicine) and never managed to make it sound appealing - and eventually had an OD incident on it. :eek:
Have to agree. All of these scare stories are from people becoming addicted or massively overdoing it on a night out. Any time i've done it i've hada right good laugh! Might just be me and you though Ferd it seems...

I quite like it as well, everything in moderation as they say.

If you look at the amount the person in the original article in the Guardian was taking, it's no wonder they ended up with problems. If you take any drug in those quantities you will end up with all manner of things wrong with you. A mistake quite a few people make is to take the same amount in a line as you would do with coke.
Going for Khat as a priority is a joke though - hope it's not merely on account of the communities in which it's usually used .. as that would be very partisan !

Khat's an interesting one, as seemingly the active chemical is what mephedrone was based on. Has anyone tried it? Looks like a hell of a lot of leaf chewing and prob not a good look in a club. :lol:
Khat's an interesting one, as seemingly the active chemical is what mephedrone was based on. Has anyone tried it? Looks like a hell of a lot of leaf chewing and prob not a good look in a club. :lol:

I think it's probably more suited to sitting around your North African bar chewing with with your 'besties' :lol:
i think ket is popular because you can get a gram for say £15, or a gram of coke for say £50. the k has far more punch to price ratio and so there you have it, if you want to get fooked what would you rather pay, 15 or 50? plus the coke for 50 will prob be **** too.
Surely K doesn't substitute in effect for coke, though? Do people really want to get messy without caring precisely what kind of mess they get into? Is that the stage the youth of today are at :?: :rolleyes:
Surely K doesn't substitute in effect for coke, though? Do people really want to get messy without caring precisely what kind of mess they get into? Is that the stage the youth of today are at :?: :rolleyes:

Any habitual drug taker knows that Cocaine is an upper and Ket is a downer. You do get some people that use Ket whilst there out but really it's an after-party drug. The two aren't comparable.