
McRackin said:
what would you prefer: his huge house or a small apartment with views to es vedrà :?:

8O :o 8O --->

where did that pic come from? i wouldn't mind browsing some good real estate sites to make myself drool more...

<-- stuck in the united stinky-poo states for at least another year :cry:

You have now reminded me of my teenage days when I first came across Enigma in the early 90s. It was definitely one of a kind at that time.


Yup! Getting up in the morning to the view of Es Vedra is definitely something. I can get pretty much the same stuff in California (San Diego, Laguna Beach, Malibu, Moro Bay, Monterrey), but the only difference is that the beach front apartments will be around $1,000,000+!!!


McRackin said:
daltvila said:
Cretu has lost out, it's now officially an illegal construction and will be deleted

i dont think so!! :roll:

according to the lastest news - the newly elected Mayor of Sant Antoni, Jose Sala, thinks that the law needs to be changed so that the house can be made legal & so that the council can escape from paying millions of euros in compensation to Cretu :!:

surprising news!! :o

according to the local newspapers (saturday 18th) the court ordered to the town council of
san antonio to execute the sentence that forces to demolish the mansion in the term of two
months!! 8O

hasta la vista baby!!
to continue


Cretu House.

The massive house & recording studio built by the internationally famous musician, Michael Cretu, on a protected hill top overlooking the bay of Sant Antoni, near Santa Agnes, must be knocked down in 60 days. That is the ruling of the Supreme Court this week after hearing an appeal by Cretu & his record company, Baloo Music, against an earlier demolition order made by the Balearic Courts. The Town Hall in Sant Antoni is now supposedly obliged to carry out the demolition or they could face serious legal consequences.

Valued at over 8 million € by the owners, the house was built with the permission of the former PP Conservative Council in Sant Antoni even though the site was in a protected environmental area & on top of a tree covered hill where no building could legally take place. For the moment the new PP Conservative Mayor of Sant Antoni, Jose Sala, have not publicly reacted to this latest court order. If they finally have to knock down the Cretu house then the Council could be liable for millions in compensation to Cretu because of the alleged way the former Mayor granted an erroneous licence.

Pere Palau, the President of the Consell Island Government, said he was trying to study the sentence to understand how this situation had come about but that a court decision like this had to be respected & acted upon. He said the Consell Island Government was always prepared to standby any Town Hall facing problems but that neither the Consell nor the Town Hall of Sant Antoni had the resources to face the millions in compensation they would have to pay Cretu as well as the cost of demolishing the house itself.

Antonio Mari Tur, the ex PP Conservative Mayor of Sant Antoni who granted the licence apparently said that there were hundreds of houses around the island built in similar locations & that it was "unlucky" that Sant Antoni was being penalised in this way. He also said that the municipal building license he gave the Cretu house was approved by the building commission in the Consell Island Government at the time. This Consell Island Government Planning Commission was also PP Conservative run at that time.

The environmentalists who are very pleased by the courts decision have said that any indemnification should be based on the official value which is registered for the house which is apparently around 1million€ & not the higher figure the owners of the property claim. Also the environmentalists & opposition politicians are reportedly saying that the former PP Conservative Council run by Antoni Mari Tur should be made in some way directly responsible & as he was informed by several different reports at the time that he couldn't grant Cretu a license to build in this location.

The Ibiza Sun is appalled by this decision as it could cost the tax payers on the island, & in particular in Sant Antoni, a fortune! The fundamental point is that the environment on the island has to be protected from illegal building as it is a finite resource which cannot be replaced. Given the location & the classification of the land in the area where the Cretu house is located, it appears that the law says clearly that the Cretu house should never have been built in the first place. Perhaps it is those that were so keen to grant the licence & appear to have overlooked the small print of the island's building regulations or possibly misread plans & deed papers at the time who should now be held publicly responsible for their decisions.

They should be made to pay rather than putting the whole issue down to "Bad Luck!" In these cases there is no such thing as "Good or Bad Luck" but there are interests which come into play & seem to allow decisions to be made which benefit a minority but when it all goes "pear shaped" are hugely detrimental to the rest of the community.

More worrying still is the present rush by all the different levels of PP Conservative administration in Ibiza to change the island's planning laws & reclassify large parts of the island to enable urban development to take place. If these changes are not examined closely & the letter of the law adhered to then, some time in the future we could be faced with another Cretu type case coming to light
is this saga never going to end.


New Building Laws Could Save Cretu.

Without actually admitting that they are going to change the law to save the Town Hall in Sant Antoni from having to pay a huge indemnification to Michael Cretu, the famous musician, for knocking his house down in the Santa Agnes area of the island. This looks as though it is what the PP Conservative Balearic Government are actually going to do! Legally the Balearic Government can add new laws & regulations to the annual law they have to draw up to pass the budget for the year.

This time they have added an amendment which applies only to Ibiza & which will allow individual houses built by the coast to be legalised if they were illegal under the present planning laws. It will not matter what the classification of the land they were built on was or the environmental importance of the area. Under this amendment, the house in question must be at least 250mtrs from the shoreline; Cretu's is 450mtrs. It must not be built on a mountaintop of over 250mtrs; Cretu's is on top of a mountain 223mtrs high. Finally the house in question cannot have been built in a Class A environmental area as was defined in the building & land planning regulations drawn up in 1990 for all the island.

If the house meets all these conditions & the Cretu house & studio does, then the owner can apply to have it legalised. The owner must also present a project determining ways to reduce the environmental impact of the house to the minimum & must leave a deposit to guarantee that this environmental reclamation work is carried out. Finally the house, once legalised, cannot be extended or modified in any way.
The announcement of these planning law changes for Ibiza brought an outcry from the opposition politicians & the environmentalists through out the Baleares. They inferred that it was the PP Conservatives on the island & in the Balearic Government who were colluding together & using the Balearic Parliament in a "Mafia" like way to change the laws to cover up the past mistakes & misdoings of their own politicians. These politicians erroneously granted the permissions for houses such as Cretu's to be built on the island in the first place.

They said that they would be presenting further amendments to this law proposed by the PP Conservatives to try & get it not to include houses such as Cretu's which have demolition orders from the courts already applied to them. The opposition politicians said that they were shocked that the PP Conservatives were apparently prepared to tailor laws just to protect the interests of a few people.

The GEN environmentalist group on the island said that the demolition order the Supreme Court placed on the Cretu house should still be carried out. This new PP Conservative law, designed to save the house, would not be ready until January at least & the time limit on the court demolition order runs out in December.

For their part the PP Conservatives denied that the law was specifically designed to help the Cretu case. They said the law was introduced to standardise all the planning laws across the 4 islands which make up the Balearic archipelago & that it was something they had planned to do before they lost the elections in 1999. Now they had been elected again in 2003, they were only taking over where they had left off. They also said this amendment to the law would help lots of houses on the island in Sant Joan, Sant Josep, Santa Eulària & not just the Cretu situation. Though this might be the case, there are those that argue that now there can be an avalanche of buildings started illegally around the coast of Ibiza & that these will also be legalised as soon as this new law comes into force in January.

The Mayor of Sant Antoni, Jose Sala, apparently said he wasn't sure that the new law could be applied to the Cretu house but if it could be then, the inhabitants of Sant Antoni should be rejoicing. It would save the borough from having to pay huge compensation to Cretu for demolishing the house valued at over 6 million€ & for erroneously granting the permissions to build the house in the first place. It was also stated in one of the local Spanish press that when the permissions for the Cretu house were being studied in the planning commission in the PP Conservative Consell Island Government, way back in 1996, Sala was actually on this commission acting as an advisor.

The report went on to claim that Sala was in constant contact with Antonio Mari Tur, the PP Conservative Mayor of Sant Antoni, who the courts have now said should not have granted the building permission for the Cretu house. The planning commission of the Consell Insular in 1996 approved the application to build the Cretu house & the Town Council in Sant Antoni went on to erroneously grant the license. What has happened since is history but the figures that were fundamental in what took place in 1996 are still apparently in power & making decisions today.

The Ibiza Sun tends to agree with Sala when he says that this law change will save the town's people of Sant Antoni from paying millions to Cretu for mistakes made by their political leaders but also suggests that the PP Conservatives should now internally investigate the case & publicly proportion blame on those, who at the time, went ahead & granted the Cretu house the permissions to be built supposedly knowing that they were breaking the law.

These few people, who were on the Council in Sant Antoni in 1996 when the Cretu permission was granted, have always seemed to avoid answering the serious questions which could & should be asked about their conduct & the motives for their decisions. In fact some of those involved in the Cretu case are these days in positions of much higher responsibility & have specific influence over the planning decisions for all the islands & not just Ibiza! Only if the PP Conservatives make these people accountable will they be able to avoid the opposition charges of acting like a "Mafia" to protect each other & their own interests before that of the people.

Finally, it might be naive, but if we had been the PP Conservatives we wouldn't have put up such a "smoke screen" about the present planning law changes they are introducing & the way it protects the Cretu house. We would have been proud of having found a way of saving the tax payers in Sant Antoni millions by allowing the Cretu house to remain where it is. The Ibiza Sun, in the PP Conservatives position, would have argued that the environmental restoration project, which Cretu will have to present if he wants to legalise his house, will be strict & demanding making Cretu reduce drastically the visual & environmental impact his house now has on the countryside in the Santa Agnes area of the island. In this way the PP Conservatives would have earnt a lot more electorate points & support rather than seemingly trying to deny all knowledge of how the new law would affect the Cretu situation.

We would also have found away of making sure that this amnesty for Cretu didn't then go on to allow an avalanche of illegal buildings along all the coast line of Ibiza taking place as could happen at the moment. However, as we said already, there must be some way in which those who got Sant Antoni into this mess over the building of the Cretu house are publicly made responsible. Without the PP Conservatives making some of their own party members accountable then in fact the whole situation does become more like a sort of Nixon type "Watergate" cover up & could go down in history as the "Ibiza Cretugate Saga!"
I wouldnt call that destroying. It does seem to be built tastefully compared to the average millionaires custom pad. It still has that classic ibiza style to it and there's plenty of trees planted/kept across the grounds.
Sant Antoni Town Council Given 18 Months To Knock Down Cretu's House. :lol:
The controversial mansion & recording studio supposedly built illegally by the world famous musician, Michael Cretu, on the top of a mountain near the village of Santa Agnes in an environmentally protected area was back in the news this week. Cretu built his house after receiving the permits from the Sant Antoni Town Council who seemingly should never have issued these building licenses in the first place. To avoid an earlier court demolition order applied to Cretu's illegal construction, the Balearic Government at the beginning of the year passed legislation, which was aimed at legalising houses in the same situation as Cretu :evil: . However, this week the Balearic Courts ruled that this new legislation does not apply to the Cretu house as it still supposedly breaks other environmental laws not covered by the new Balearic Government's law. The court ruled that Sant Antoni Council must knock the house down within 18 months or face severe legal penalties & fines. :lol:
This decree came as a shock to the PP Conservative Town Council in Sant Antoni who have to carry out the order. The Mayor apparently said that, given all the illegal building, which exists around the island, it was very bad luck that Sant Antoni was being penalised for the Cretu mansion :roll: . The Town Hall could face heavy compensation claims from Cretu as he built his house after receiving the permits from the Town Hall in Sant Antoni. This compensation could be astronomic & the Town Hall cannot pay it alone. They appear to be hoping that the appeal against this latest court decision, which is being launched by the lawyers representing Cretu, will prosper. They have also received support from the PP Conservative Island Government who have publicly said that they will help (WITH OUR MONEY - Mc :x ) the Town Hall in Sant Antoni if at the end of the day they have to demolish Cretu's house. Also, if the compensation has to eventually be paid to Cretu & his house has to be knocked down, then they will study very carefully just what the authorities are responsible to pay him.
Opposition politicians said that the Cretu situation was not a case of bad luck. It was the first of many such cases, which could take place all around the island due to the way in the past certain PP Conservative Politicians have totally ignored the laws on environmental protection, planning & building. The environmentalists said that the Town Hall should comply with the court order as soon as possible as the Cretu house could never possibly be legalised. By fighting the issue in courts the Town Hall & taxpayers in Sant Antoni face increasing legal costs by trying to change what is the second court decision saying that the Cretu house should be knocked down.
Interestingly, the PP Conservative Balearic Government, when they passed their new building legislation within the budget bill for 2004, always maintained that these new laws which allowed certain constructions on mountains & near the coast to be legalised would benefit lots of people on the island & that the new laws were not just designed to solve the Cretu situation. However, this week it was revealed that only the Cretu house & one other in Sant Joan have applied to be legalised under these new laws. It seems that no other building on the island qualifies & now, with this latest court decision, even the Cretu house will not be able to be made legal. :lol:

(the ibiza sun)

McLaughin :lol: :lol: :lol:
8O a neverending story 8O

ibiza-sun (13/4/2006):
Cretu Penal Case To Be Considered.

The investigating Judge has apparently finished his investigation to see if there is a penal case to answer over the building of the mansion on top of an environmentally protected hill top in Santa Agnes by the famous musician, Michael Cretu.
He has now passed his report on to the prosecution services so that they can decide if there is sufficient evidence to start a penal case or some other form of legal action against Cretu & his architects, who designed & oversaw the building of the house.
Later in the week it was announced that the civil courts have allowed an appeal by the Cretu legal team & the Sant Antoni Town Hall over the form of the last judges decision in which he supposedly maintained the earlier court order for the mansion to be dismantled & the land returned to its natural state because it is allegedly located in an environmentally protected area.
It appears that there is a possibility that the judge went too far in his summing up of the case, but not seemingly the actual verdict, when he supposed that the mansion could never be legalised, especially under a new law introduced by the Balearic Government in their 2004 budget bill.

However, it appears that the courts also recommended that Sant Antoni Town Hall starts drawing plans & projects for the demolition of the Cretu mansion even though they have allowed this appeal over the form of the earlier judge's decision.