

New Member

has anyone else got any of this groups album, i've got 2 and 3, there really good!!! ,chilled, with guitar riffs and vocals, which makes it very atmospheric..........

The were also recorded in ibiza!!!!

Robo said:
has anyone else got any of this groups album

enigma is not a group - it is a project undertaken by one person: michael cretu!! :roll:

:arrow: http://www.enigmamusic.com/index.shtml

Robo said:
The were also recorded in ibiza!!!!

yes - in his illegal recording studio!! :lol:

the next text is taken from the ibiza sun:

Cretu Decision Upheld.

The law courts have this week upheld their decision that the house & recording studio Michael Cretu the world famous musician built on a mountain top in Santa Agnes is illegal. The decision apparently blames the council in Sant Antoni for wrongly conceding the building permits for this huge development & maintains the court ruling that the council must knock the building down & return the hill top to its natural state immediately! The Mayor of Sant Antoni was apparently “stupefied” by the courts decision & has ordered his legal experts to see if there are any more avenues of appeal left open to him before he has to comply with the order. Representatives of Cretu have said they will respect the courts decision but will also seek huge damages from the Sant Antoni Council for granting them a license illegally.

The environmentalists who brought the court action against the Sant Antoni Council said this should be a lesson to all the authorities on the island to stop abusing the planning laws unless they were willing to face the consequences as now had happened in Sant Antoni. Opposition politicians on the Sant Antoni council agreed with this & demanded that the Mayor should stop trying to find legal loop holes to try & avoid facing up to his responsibilities & should pay the political & economic costs of his actions in this case.


McRackin ;)
That isn't Cretu's house......... it's my villa! Shit, they're gonna knock it down! 8O
Of course the one with the view to Es Vedra. Plus you're much better off with this one anyway, it's true, Cretu has lost out, it's now officially an illegal construction and will be deleted.

if your talking the same people that did that album the cross i think it was.

sorry i once work in a harrods where they played that album for 2 months solid i still brings back nightmares
daltvila said:
Cretu has lost out, it's now officially an illegal construction and will be deleted

i dont think so!! :roll:

according to the lastest news - the newly elected Mayor of Sant Antoni, Jose Sala, thinks that the law needs to be changed so that the house can be made legal & so that the council can escape from paying millions of euros in compensation to Cretu :!:
well I centainly wouldnt mind waking up every morning and see Es Vedra! God, how do I ever get a job in Ibeeefa that I can live of - and still manage to keep my place in Denmark?? Solution= find some rich sponsor!
One day i will own an apartment in Ibiza with that sort of view