
Dare I say it ? ok,small rant. A lot of people who ought to have known better voted for Clegg and got Cameron,the gap between rich and poor has continued to widen,and power has become even more concentrated in the hands of a tiny,public school educated elite.
Is anyone here who voted Lib Dem happy about the present situation ?

I'm certainly not a happy Lib Dem voter...
I didnt vote for any as i dont think none of them are fit to the run the country

either way the country still would of been ****ed, has been for years, And the new goverment had to make the cuts and VAT rises to try and tackle some of the countries debt otherwise it would of just got alot worse

Labour will probably win the next election because of all the cuts the co-alition goverment has made, Cue labour overspending to fix it
I didnt vote for any as i dont think none of them are fit to the run the country

either way the country still would of been ****ed, has been for years, And the new goverment had to make the cuts and VAT rises to try and tackle some of the countries debt otherwise it would of just got alot worse

Labour will probably win the next election because of all the cuts the co-alition goverment has made, Cue labour overspending to fix it

Can't f**king wait for this gravy train to roll around again!! :lol:
oh how i laugh at the Lib Dim voters.

isnt the point of voting to get your party in a position of power? now they are (albeit a junior partner), youre all moaning.

you aint gonna be getting 100% of anything voted for. neither will the Tories.

Just remember who turned on the spending taps because "there'll be no more Boom & Bust", and contributed to the mess, along with the twats who were lending 100%+ mortgages to some of the least prepared people in the states, which is where this whole thing went belly up.

You can blame the bankers as much as you like, and if you dont like the bonus' being paid to anyone working for a 'State owned" bank, then bank with someone else!

Thank funk its not 5 more years of Brown, otherwise we'd been flushed down the loo along with Greece, Ireland (and looks like Portugal).
isnt the point of voting to get your party in a position of power? now they are (albeit a junior partner), youre all moaning.
thing went belly up.

Yes... but I voted for the Lib Dem policies, most of which (Tuition fees scrappage, drug class review, etc) were dropped from the coalition manifesto.

That's what annoyed me, all these 'liberal' things I voted for vanished. Instead, drug classes are no longer going to be reviewed, and tuition fees have tripled.
Yes... but I voted for the Lib Dem policies, most of which (Tuition fees scrappage, drug class review, etc) were dropped from the coalition manifesto.

That's what annoyed me, all these 'liberal' things I voted for vanished. Instead, drug classes are no longer going to be reviewed, and tuition fees have tripled.

Because Clegg and the Lib Dems are vaccuous, selfish, and acting like excitable little boys who are prepared to ditch their electorate to pursue their own agenda of "clinging onto power".

Once a political party ditches their manifesto as wholesale as the Lib Dems have, what are you left with?

A group of people voted in entirely under false pretences. I am actual shocked at how well the country has taken it.

The very public "Pledge signing" by the Lib Dems in opposition of Tution Fees is an absolutely criminal piece of hypocracy.

Clegg quite obviously idolises big Dave. i have no doubt that he would join the Tories tomorrow if he could get away with it. Whereas Dave can't believe his luck that Clegg has rolled over so easily like a ****ing puppy.
because clegg and the lib dems are vaccuous, selfish, and acting like excitable little boys who are prepared to ditch their electorate to pursue their own agenda of "clinging onto power".

Once a political party ditches their manifesto as wholesale as the lib dems have, what are you left with?

A group of people voted in entirely under false pretences. I am actual shocked at how well the country has taken it.

The very public "pledge signing" by the lib dems in opposition of tution fees is an absolutely criminal piece of hypocracy.

Clegg quite obviously idolises big dave. I have no doubt that he would join the tories tomorrow if he could get away with it. Whereas dave can't believe his luck that clegg has rolled over so easily like a ****ing puppy.

oh how i laugh at the Lib Dim voters.

isnt the point of voting to get your party in a position of power? now they are (albeit a junior partner), youre all moaning.

you aint gonna be getting 100% of anything voted for. neither will the Tories.

Just remember who turned on the spending taps because "there'll be no more Boom & Bust", and contributed to the mess, along with the twats who were lending 100%+ mortgages to some of the least prepared people in the states, which is where this whole thing went belly up.

You can blame the bankers as much as you like, and if you dont like the bonus' being paid to anyone working for a 'State owned" bank, then bank with someone else!

Thank funk its not 5 more years of Brown, otherwise we'd been flushed down the loo along with Greece, Ireland (and looks like Portugal).

you omitted to mention Brown pre-crunch was following a capitalist economic policy which you guys have always followed too - ie don't upset the city boys, don't regulate too hard. So a bit rich perhaps for the tories now to accuse Labour of something you were ALL equally guilty of. Brown to his credit (and I'm no fan) stepped in when we were HOURS from cashpoints running dry. Now we're all paying the price - except the super offshore rich who pay peanuts, whilst vital services and old people's homes are closed down and conservative westminster council are now shutting down soup kitchens for the homeless, many of whom include displaced ex-army vets...

where's the morality in that?
Because Clegg and the Lib Dems are vaccuous, selfish, and acting like excitable little boys who are prepared to ditch their electorate to pursue their own agenda of "clinging onto power".

Once a political party ditches their manifesto as wholesale as the Lib Dems have, what are you left with?

A group of people voted in entirely under false pretences. I am actual shocked at how well the country has taken it.

The very public "Pledge signing" by the Lib Dems in opposition of Tution Fees is an absolutely criminal piece of hypocracy.

Clegg quite obviously idolises big Dave. i have no doubt that he would join the Tories tomorrow if he could get away with it. Whereas Dave can't believe his luck that Clegg has rolled over so easily like a ****ing puppy.

Beautifully summed up.

We can hope and prey it will be a bloodbath in his Hallam constituency at the day of reckoning. Surely the right thinking people in Sheffield are not going to give the man a single vote ever again? It's hard to imagine where Cleggs political career will go from here, he can't continue as Cameron's shoe shine boy for ever.....
The very public "Pledge signing" by the Lib Dems in opposition of Tution Fees is an absolutely criminal piece of hypocracy.

I guess at the time, he probably thought the Tories we're gonna get an overall majority. (was it before or after the tv debates?)

Dont promise what you cant deliver, and keep your mouth shut. (A bit like the opposition benches at the moment). ;)

As a Labour Diehard. Is Milliband E. your cuppa tea Markyboy?
I guess at the time, he probably thought the Tories we're gonna get an overall majority. (was it before or after the tv debates?)

Dont promise what you cant deliver, and keep your mouth shut. (A bit like the opposition benches at the moment). ;)

As a Labour Diehard. Is Milliband E. your cuppa tea Markyboy?

I've renounced them :lol:. Labour have reverted to type and look to me like a perfect "opposition" party. Don't like the union influence either.

I would not support Ed Milliband. He's not my cuppa tea at all.

David Milliband and Alan Johnson were my only hope and look what happened there.

It's quite liberating actually...:lol:
Because Clegg and the Lib Dems are vaccuous, selfish, and acting like excitable little boys who are prepared to ditch their electorate to pursue their own agenda of "clinging onto power".

Once a political party ditches their manifesto as wholesale as the Lib Dems have, what are you left with?

A group of people voted in entirely under false pretences. I am actual shocked at how well the country has taken it.

The very public "Pledge signing" by the Lib Dems in opposition of Tution Fees is an absolutely criminal piece of hypocracy.

Clegg quite obviously idolises big Dave. i have no doubt that he would join the Tories tomorrow if he could get away with it. Whereas Dave can't believe his luck that Clegg has rolled over so easily like a ****ing puppy.

+3 great rant. ;)
shame it wasnt in the offshore tax dodging guardian eh! ;)

the guardian's ownership structure is actually pretty complicated

even if there has been dodgy accounting, the owners never interfere with editorial which makes them a whole lot more trustworthy in my book than associated

the guardian is an overall force for good and decency and has a website admired around the world, whereas your people the daily mail are a bit of a national embarrassment.

if you don't agree that the daily mail is a national embarrassment then you need help
the guardian's ownership structure is actually pretty complicated

even if there has been dodgy accounting, the owners never interfere with editorial which makes them a whole lot more trustworthy in my book than associated

the guardian is an overall force for good and decency and has a website admired around the world, whereas your people the daily mail are a bit of a national embarrassment.

if you don't agree that the daily mail is a national embarrassment then you need help


Chewie = clutching at straws desperate to be contrary and disagree with something - anything!
the guardian's ownership structure is actually pretty complicated

even if there has been dodgy accounting, the owners never interfere with editorial which makes them a whole lot more trustworthy in my book than associated

the guardian is an overall force for good and decency and has a website admired around the world, whereas your people the daily mail are a bit of a national embarrassment.

if you don't agree that the daily mail is a national embarrassment then you need help

I hate to say this ;) +1