
Labour are the party of no aspiration.

Tories are the party of no compassion.

Lib Dems are the party of no identity.

I'm finally with Robder on this one.

Anarchy? why not? let's give it a go.
Or we go for a true democracy.
Every person has a voice.

Would stop us going to war in countries over matters that don't really concern us
How old are you?

Genuine question, not meaning to patronise.

Having been around the procrastination loop, various wars and economy boom/bust situations a few times since the 80s (not to mention section 28 )...I really do feel that political cynicism is constructive.

...A healthy, sane vote of no confidence is not the same as political apathy.

No thats cool, I'm 32.

Not been around for years but feel I know enough to comment.

I just feel that everyone should have a say, to many people across the world don't get the chance or have the freedom to vote, we do so we shouldn't take it for granted.
Total anarchy is what's needed (which without all the scaremongering and propaganda is a peaceful concept).

Only then would we all be in this together.

If said anarchy was administered by reasonable folk yes, but not the sun reading stupid masses!

Can't we wipe them out first - or put them in a prison - then get all anarchic?!
As above, vote for AV and it may, long term have been worth it.

Funny seeing how the save the NHS petitions are floating about, SOMEONE voted the tories in, even if I can't find any of them now!
seriously what we do to deserve George Osborne ? - everybody knows the money could be recouped by closing down the offshore accounts and taxing the plutocrats, who are getting away with murder, instead all the little people have to foot the bill irrespective of whether they can afford it or not. I really hope he gets decapitated in a car crash. dickhead.
seriously what we do to deserve George Osborne ? - everybody knows the money could be recouped by closing down the offshore accounts and taxing the plutocrats, who are getting away with murder, instead all the little people have to foot the bill irrespective of whether they can afford it or not. I really hope he gets decapitated in a car crash. dickhead.

Miliband described him as "Norman Lamont with an ipod":lol::lol::lol:
"The snow in December was the wrong sort of snow for the economy, but the right sort of snow for your skiing trip to cloisters"

My personal favourite from this year's budget :lol:.

I try to find comedy value in politics nowadays.

It's the only way to avoid despair. Or apocalyptic levels of rage

:lol: <----- forced rictus grin
Dare I say it ? ok,small rant. A lot of people who ought to have known better voted for Clegg and got Cameron,the gap between rich and poor has continued to widen,and power has become even more concentrated in the hands of a tiny,public school educated elite.
Is anyone here who voted Lib Dem happy about the present situation ?
Dare I say it ? ok,small rant. A lot of people who ought to have known better voted for Clegg and got Cameron,the gap between rich and poor has continued to widen,and power has become even more concentrated in the hands of a tiny,public school educated elite.
Is anyone here who voted Lib Dem happy about the present situation ?

Most certainly not happy, Don.

Seeing Clegg fawning all over Cameron in public is worse than any scene from the Texas chainsaw massacre:(