i think we have got off on the wrong foot here, don't you.
Ibiza attracts so many different people. Every part of ibiza is stereotyped, west end being full of larger louts, ibiza town being more international with 'wild' people, and other parts for being quiter and more family orientated, the fact they all work in ibiza is amazing, we may not all get on together, but everyone goes in ibiza.....
It is normally only one or two fo these catergories that makes the tabloid press headlines and t.v. programmes..........
as regards pricing, if it is outrageous!!!! but for a water in pacha its only 3 euros more than eden and you get it in a glass and with ice, not excatly luxuory i know but thats the going rate....
I'm qute happy to accept that you would rather like to spend your time round san an and the west end, after all its your holiday and your money....
But i think you should also excpet that i would rather spend my holiday in pacha, space, ibiza town etc..........