
I'm not a wimp. Heck, I live in Russia, where the concept of forming an orderly queue died with the breadlines of the late Communist era :lol:

Perfectly capable of pushing my way through, but also at an age where I don't find having to do that very dignified.

Morbs... I look back at the grainy film of flying in the 60's and 70's and even the 80's when travelling by air was an enjoyment, and you arrived at your destination fresh as a daisy.

After experiencing the Upper Class treatment a couple of times now, if i could afford it, i'd fly that way all the time! Flying on some airlines is akin to commuting on the Central Line, in the height of summer.
I'm not a wimp. Heck, I live in Russia, where the concept of forming an orderly queue died with the breadlines of the late Communist era :lol:

Perfectly capable of pushing my way through, but also at an age where I don't find having to do that very dignified.


In all seriousness, on both my flights people with the "normal queue" boarding passes just queued up two at a time in an orderly manner. Exactly the same as if it was a BA flight. I've only ever seen that mass rush for the door once. Most Brits are happy to queue in line!
Well my flight to Stockholm left bang on time, arrived 15mins early, staff were polite and friendly. Same on the way back. All for a tenner!
Well, I've spent the last 30+ minutes trying to check in online. The system just won't work. I get to the part when you print your boarding pass and it prints out blank pages. Then I essentially have to start all over again. Plus, it keeps freezing up along the way, returning errors, etc.

Obviously a scam to force me into paying the 40 quid! :rolleyes: