Easter weekend

easter weekend is full of options......

Warehouse Project
Renaisence (awful spelling) 20th birthday thing in Leeds with Sasha etc
Circus with Garnier.

not bad options to have!
Thursday: Optimo and Weatherall at Corsica
Saturday: Kaos at Stunners
Sunday: Body&SOUL all dayer

Shaping up to be the best easter in years. 8)
It's not strictly Easter weekend but as I'm a teacher and I break up for Easter on Friday 30th March, I'll be celebrating 2 weeks off at Cream Reunion 4 with Justin Robertson and Dave Seaman. Wahoo :)
oops! sorry,that's assumption for you. People think that the female equivalent of a wizard is a witch,but neither are gender specific,anyway all power to the teaching.

This is very Eastery isn't it?

That's ok- loving the " good lad " comment for the fact that I teach in Bolton!!! Have never realised it was something to be so proud of!!! :)

As for wizardsof the sonic, was listening to the Westbam tune of the same name at the time !
^ ^
Well, it was said because you came back with a good natured reply,rather than being grouchy at my stupid 'joke'. Enjoy your easter!
Have to say, I watched most of that wmc circo loco party and it looked awful! Had zero to do with circo loco/dc10 and everything to do with Miami. Djs seemed to have a hard time getting the crowd going. Cemented why I have no interest in Miami/wmc
Have to say, I watched most of that wmc circo loco party and it looked awful! Had zero to do with circo loco/dc10 and everything to do with Miami. Djs seemed to have a hard time getting the crowd going. Cemented why I have no interest in Miami/wmc

If that video is anything to go by I totally agree.
I understand the need for VIP but not there in between the DJ and the main crowd? Id be very embarrassed to be in the VIP bit there.
After seeing Maceo Plex in Miami in this video, I'm even more excited about watching him at Fabric in Easter.


I can't believe the location of this VIP area though, talk about killing the atmosphere :confused:

He should be good - saw him recently at that Return to the Future do at The Laundry end of January and he was really decent, but didn't blow me away as much as I'd hoped. Unfortunately he decided to go B2B with Robert James at the end and the vibe totally got killed :(.

That circo loco setup in Miami was dreadful. Vagabond is where Miami is at, if anywhere 8) (or used to be anyway). WMC bound to be full of all that overt media, scenester, VIP stuff. Groupie hell !