Dubai Is Building The World’s First ’24/7 Party’ Island, RIP Ibiza

At groove on the grass last weekend the main stage had George fitzgerald and hot chip dj set and a small techno tent that Rebekah and dave Clarke was playing. Rebekah and Dave Clarke were absolutely brilliant! Brilliant set. Next up groove on the grass season closing with adam bayer!
people go to places like that to make tax-free money - why pretend it serves for anything else? who's gonna enjoy themselves at some venue probably watched the whole time by the local secret police?
not really the point. haven't been to North Korea either! if you're a PR, then I can understand you putting a positive spin on the place but I've read too many horror stories from the Arab states to pretend I can hang out in some clubbers' bubble.

I'm definitely not a PR - I just think that people tar the whole of the 'Arab States' with the same brush when they haven't exactly got the experience or knowledge to back up their claims. Hard to have an opinion of something that you haven't experienced - but I think you might be pleasantly surprised if you were ever to head over this way.

Some people, for example, have a very strong opinion on Ibiza - but I'm sure we'd all argue the point that you can't knock it until you try it (and you may even fall in love with it)!!
I totally get bored expats wanting to have fun and trying to recreate western lifestyles but no way in a million years I'd ever go there - I don't want my money supporting these brutal regimes (who use slave labour, torture prisoners and finance ISIS...)

and yes I wouldn't want to end up in the nick either!

some shocking reading here:
guys dubai isnt bad same to vegas same to any other place.

but what's special about ibiza is not the partying.

it's a package of comfort and self relaxation where you wont find any other place.