
Anyone who can eat during or after the club needs more mdma
The whole purpose of talking about snickers is the fact that we lose appetite after rolling but that doesn't mean your body isn't craving for food.. Nobody gonna babysit u at raves so reach out for that snickers at 6am n see how u feel.. N then share you experience
Has a point really - If you actually try to eat you can eat... Just don't try to eat something like chips / bread as dry mouth make it difficult

Smoothies / Snickers ice creams / Can of coke / Packet of sweets - all taste so good!
I am conscious myself though being into fitness. I don't like the thought of doing 20k steps of dancing burning 1200 calorioes then just going to bed. After a day or two I would be losing muscle for a fact.
I try to get in as much calories as I can when I am away from any sources possible and easy to eat

Then when I have the time I will then go for high calorie foods and foods which contain a reasonable amount of protein
Fry up / Pizza / Carbonara with added chicken / packets of biscuits / Drinks with electrolytes Vit C (Aloe Vera drinks/Lucozade)
Also get salt in as well

Based on experience and observing others I am with - My conscious approach is why I stay energetic and healthy and return home in a fit state
It's either Cathy guetta or honey Dijon..:confused: I can't telll
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The whole purpose of talking about snickers is the fact that we lose appetite after rolling but that doesn't mean your body isn't craving for food.. Nobody gonna babysit u at raves so reach out for that snickers at 6am n see how u feel.. N then share you experience

In my 21 years of raving I can honestly say I've never craved any type of food. I think my jaw would ache from just chewing over and over.
I always remember going to events like Helter Skelter back in the day and seeing people stuffing burgers and chips into their mouths at 2am and wondering how the f*** they managed it
Has a point really - If you actually try to eat you can eat... Just don't try to eat something like chips / bread as dry mouth make it difficult

Smoothies / Snickers ice creams / Can of coke / Packet of sweets - all taste so good!
dude these foods tastes so good after rolling .. and you feel so much better