Its been a while
On Saturday afternoon me and my better half went on a bit of a beer garden crawl in the glorious sunshine we have been enjoying here in the UK currently

Took one of these 2c-b pills each before we went out. I’ve had them stashed for ages.
It definitely felt like the right time to take them
Probably about no more than 15mg each, just enough to give us a nice time.
Went a walk along the river bank at Tynemouth and along the coast, stopping off for drinks at random boozers in the sun.
The grass looked very green, the sea looked deep blue and the sky looked awesome
Every drink I had tasted amazing
I love how this stuff sharpens all my sensations right up
We continued the party when we got home, if you know what I mean
Afterwards I enjoyed those classic closed eye visuals I always get, as I lay back on my bed.
I’ll take some more summer nights like this