
I’ve heard on the grapevine that there’s a massive mdma drought right now, anyone else heard that? It’s obviously been a while since I’ve acquired any, unable to rave at the moment

Its been a while 😳

On Saturday afternoon me and my better half went on a bit of a beer garden crawl in the glorious sunshine we have been enjoying here in the UK currently 🍻🌅

Took one of these 2c-b pills each before we went out. I’ve had them stashed for ages.

It definitely felt like the right time to take them 😃

Probably about no more than 15mg each, just enough to give us a nice time.

Went a walk along the river bank at Tynemouth and along the coast, stopping off for drinks at random boozers in the sun.

The grass looked very green, the sea looked deep blue and the sky looked awesome 🙌

Every drink I had tasted amazing 😛

I love how this stuff sharpens all my sensations right up 🤩

We continued the party when we got home, if you know what I mean 😜

Afterwards I enjoyed those classic closed eye visuals I always get, as I lay back on my bed.

I’ll take some more summer nights like this 👍


Have you ever felt like if everyone were to trip as hard as you that the world would be a better place?

I have a blooming inferiority complex over this... It's my position that if people would consider things a little more we'd all be better off.

We need to learn to use our brain.

And I secretly desire utopia, wish for revolution, and hope for change.

Are drugs the only answer? Seriously.

I found my way dropping 2cb, eating shrooms and ecstasy, and frying my ass off! Would I be who I am without having done all that?

Tha' answer: HA! of course not!

Am I saying that drugs are for everyone? I sure hope not because they are soooo destructive and can be unpredictable; particularly if you don't know your arse from your elbow.

But I want it. I taste it!

Change is on the horizon... Shall we let life pass us by? Being patient?

Waiting for wisdom to catch up...
I have acquired some mdma that is dark brown, almost black and smells like fish. It’s not like anything I’ve seen before. Anyone had anything like that before? 0C027AAC-2C51-4EF7-B1FC-71A70B495C77.jpeg
Colour looks okay-ish. Dunno what the fishy smell means. :lol: Weird smells are usually down to impurities, solvents and stuff. Stinky drone never used to bother me. :twisted:
looks like a hooded santa asleep sat up that, a quick lick should give it away pal theres no getting away from distinctive molly taste
I’ve had a lot over the years and this is the weirdest looking and smelling by far!

So my next question is....where’s the best place to get an EZ test in the uk these days? Delivered that is