Some funny storys

couple of years ago I was in a pub for the pre sesh before a night out and the md was floating about (was meant to be just beers). . .after consuming we Ended up by the jukebox for half hour chatting shit with my mates, we thought the music was on but it was just the radio, we must of put a good £20 worth of coins in for our choice of songs. . .only to be told that the jukebox wont be on because there was a boxing match on the big screen

i'm pretty sure the staff new what was going on but proceeded to let us stick 20 in
On the same night we went to revolution, it was awful musically but it helped that we was all on the same level and was good for giggles, as my mates went to the bar for drinks, i nearly got us all sussed and turfed out bcoz i was convinced i saw the bouncer do a "Johan Cruyff turn" with a ball . . I was adament he done it and I kept on asking him to do it again, the more i asked, the more his face turned to red.when my mates came back from the bar they asked whats going on and when I told them they couldn't stop laughing, they quickly ushered me out the door. Irony is, he knows does security at my local football team and sees me every other weekend ...he gives me that look where you think you know someone but dont
Different night but similiar thing, this was at a rave. I was convinced wooden chairs were moving to the music across the stage when it was just the dj bopping to the beat behind the decks.