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I see the debate of tolerance/quality as a maths solution. If your an old badger like me you'll remember pills being £25 a pop and you only needed one and one only. Today its £10. Nothing becomes cheaper without reason especially narcotics. I only have a session once a year and only in ibiza. I only take MDMA crystals so here's the simple math : MDMA 65 euro's - consumption half a gram 32 euro's ( roughly £25 ) the same as the original dolly's... try it if you haven't already and you'll see the quality is still there.... ;)
The wife and I have been popping E's nearly ever weekend for the past 15 years. Don't think they have done us any harm. We do get comedowns & feel a bit rough, but only when we have done 2 or 3 nights on the trot.

When I first started I was paying £10 a go, lowest the price got was around £1.50, but over the last couple of years price has started rising again to around £5 or £6. I think this is because its become less popular and more difficult for us to get hold of.

Was paying 3e in Ibiza two years ago, but this year 6e. May have just got ripped off I suppose.

As for quality dont really think it has varied much over the 15 years....sometimes there good sometimes not.

Don't really do anything other than E, so can't comment on the legal highs or other gear.
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