Drug Policy on the Island?

funkster100 said:
The moral of the story - do not trust the Gardia Civil - they aren't nice people. If you ever cross them in a dark street with no other poeple around, get out of their way. They are definitely not to be trusted - they do whatever they please and seem to totally dislike the British.

Agreed, just get to other people when you see them, any random hotel, shop or a busier street. They dont like young Brits... they seem to tar us all with the same west end brush. :twisted: :twisted:
I think you've hit the nail on the head stu - they think we're all west-enders - they couldn't be further from the truth - we hate the West End trouble makers just as much as they do! I suppose speaking Spanish would come in useful in a situation with the GC
Moha said:
Not trusting the papers, the last example did cost its seat to Aznar!

Sorry, but I think this is a very superficial lecture of what happened in Spain months ago :eek: :confused:
I think it's quite clear that Terrorist organisations get a large amount of money from drug dealing and other illegal activities.
JT said:
I think it's quite clear that Terrorist organisations get a large amount of money from drug dealing and other illegal activities.

i read something interesting the other day. apparently before sept 11th the taliban had almost completely wiped out opium production in afghanistan since it is against the teachings of the koran to be involved with drugs. following the US invasion and removal of the taliban the country is now re-established as one of the worlds largest opium producing nations, which in turn has re-injected 200 billion pounds into the world economy.

makes you think....
Terrorists get their money from different "illegal" channels. Among those drugs. Ibiza is a juicy cake for the maffias, remember last year the 300.000 or 400 brought by the Italians and now the Russians are coming strong.
I just think a morrocan dealer couldn't be as big and they won't let him (the maffias) :?:
the bouncers in space take a very dim view of people smoking what the kidz call 'reefers'.

Also, if you smoke roll-up ciggies like I do, you will be hassled constantly by the space staff. They don't seem to get roll ups, probably coz it doesn't seem that popular in Spain.

Drugs are as illegal in spain as in pretty much everywhere in the 'western' world. Take care, don't be flash or obvious and I've never found it to be a problem.

btw, those Gardia Civil are some serious dudes.
Well to be honest with you I'm absolutly terrified of my visit to Ibiza in less than two weeks now. Lookee lookee men and Guardia Civil :cry: am I going to come home alive?!?!?!
Gouryella said:
Well to be honest with you I'm absolutly terrified of my visit to Ibiza in less than two weeks now. Lookee lookee men and Guardia Civil :cry: am I going to come home alive?!?!?!

Why you shouldn't come home alive? :eek:
Gouryella said:
Well to be honest with you I'm absolutly terrified of my visit to Ibiza in less than two weeks now. Lookee lookee men and Guardia Civil :cry: am I going to come home alive?!?!?!

don't be!

its not as bad as people are making it out to be.
Yeah, don't worry about it! I encountered no problems with Looky Lookies or Guardia Civil. On the terrace at Space, these guys were BLATANTLY going around giving people hits of something in a bottle (GHB?) and not one person said a thing....It is good to be cautious, if you are at least that, you will have no problems ;)
stephen said:
as el chino was moroccan it is assumed that he acquired it in that country, came here, offloaded it to his compatriates, and used the money to blow up trains in madrid.

the police were able to retrace pratically all his footsteps
and the investigations continue:

Extremist Contact Arrested In Ibiza.
A Moroccan man who was living & working in Sant Antoni has been arrested this week because he was apparently the person the "El Chino" the Muslim fundamentalist terrorist, contacted with when he visited the island just before the Madrid bombings on 11th March. It is assumed that "El Chino" came to the island to buy drugs, which he sold to raise cash for financing the Madrid bombings. The Moroccan who was arrested this week was thought to have met with "El Chino" when he was on the island & to have connections with 2 other terrorists who were involved in the Madrid Bombings. Both these 2 terrorists & "El Chino" blew themselves up & committed mass suicide shortly after the Madrid bombings when they were surrounded by police in a flat in a residential area of Madrid.
The arrested man was apparently aware that he was under surveillance, as he knew his phone number appeared in the phone book of the mobile phone used by "El Chino". However, the arrested man apparently carried on his normal life working at a garage in the Ses Paises area of Sant Antoni. Most of his friends & acquaintances have been shocked by his arrest. The Moroccan is now in Madrid been questioned by the Judge conducting the investigation into the Madrid bombings.
Here on the island, police officials were quick to state that there is no reason to believe that there are dormant terrorist cells living amongst our community even though known terrorists have visited Ibiza. However, it is thought that they are making extensive investigations into friends, family & known contacts of the man arrested this week.

(the ibiza sun)
Thanx McRackin " it is assumed he came to buy drugs on the island"
Stephen "it is assumed he bought the drug in his country and offloaded..."
im not guna get killed by a bunch of crazy terrorists while im in ibiza am i?! by what people are sayin i dont fink ill come bak! :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: