Dr Fox.....it's a diary thing, it's a soul thing

Sunday 17th August 2003

The Crane was severely suffering on Sunday. The weeks escapades had caught up on him and he was more of a dodo, in fact probably not as lively if you call being stuffed in a museum lively…oo-er perhaps it is haha! :oops: Doogal, LiloMatt and myself took to the waves for the foreseeable future…I could get used to this kind of lifestyle….hammering it at night like the world was going to end and then slobbing on Air Force 1 all day, basking in the baking daylight heat 8) . Some sea dog kept releasing the valve on my steed, stupidly thinking I’d take off like a harrier jump jet only to find that I’d take on water quicker than a couple of Sumos having a romp on a waterbed. Releasing a valve doesn’t turn a bargain basement lilo into a multi-million pound powerboat you fools….although I have to admit the thought had crossed my mind a few times….I blame the heat :? . Speaking of which, the luxury p0rn yachts kept us entertained for a few hours as wealthy old crusties “entertained” their ridiculously young maidens aboard their floating love vessels! A stray fishing boat casually set adrift and threatening to mow down any unsuspecting lilo sailor only interjected the serenity of the day. Fortunately we made an emergency formation, avoiding any such catastrophes. Perhaps it was the ants from room 108’s toilets joyriding again. :D

Nothing much happened that day to be fair. With no Ivans on the menu, it was the usual banter, mini-golf, tea and occasional b.itch. The evening kicked off in fine style at the Bay Bar, sax on tap and sun kissed soulful house ahoy. We sauntered over to Bar M for more corking tunes – Praised cats seemed to be this years pre club record as it was being spun everywhere…defo not complaining as it’s always a winner. The Blue rascal brigade were flying high and by the time we got in Eden for Judgement Sunday, the pair of them had reached orbital proportions. One of them was on a one-man whirlwind of a snog mission, a sort of horned-up Tazmanian Devil with lips. He was the human buffalo, as if anyone of the other pilots went anywhere near a female he’d be steaming over to scupper or eat their face off! I spoke to one girl who’s jaw seemed to have a life of it’s own….I asked her if she knew what she’d looked like and she thought she looked fine. Well the pilot who stuck his tongue down her throat said it was like kissing a cow chewing the cud. Nuff said. The music was harder than your average funk, which again being in the funky room was a tad disappointing :( . I had been going on all week about not going to Judgement Sunday in favour of We Love Sunday’s at Space but due to last years being a fantastic event we’d decided, if not unanimously to go to Eden. Ah well, Space would have to wait till tomorrow. Plump Dj’s were the hardest in that room that night, like Leroy a bit too break beat for me. A Judge Julie look-a-like entered the fray at the time he was supposed to enter the funky room. Complete with tight t-shirt, gold chain and yellow-lensed wrap around shades he certainly did look the part. People were pointing fingers and being a bit star struck. Was he a decoy as the original was late?

JJ finally strolled in 20mins later surrounded by his entourage. It seemed to take him an age to get started and to be fair I can’t recall him spinning anything of note. :evil: I’d heard him in the main room spinning Devil worshipping Hard House and this seemed to reflect in his set in the funky room. Far too hard, not enough substance. He also seemed to be pre-occupied with some muppets wanting to shake his hands every five minutes. Roque, the fantastic Sax player joined him in the booth and unsurprisingly did himself proud even though the set was still relatively fast. Daniel Kelly replaced the Judge after what seemed no time at all (No it wasn’t because it was “that” good it just wasn’t a long time) and the tunes slowed somewhat. Now you’re talking :D . The Black n White Pumas started to smoke so much so, some girls took photos of my feet and then me!!!! 8O Very odd…was it foot fetish night or was it that my feet can move some? If you took those photo’s I’m intrigued :? …..Shake it made an appearance as did Shout. To close the night, he slipped on Finally by Kings of Tomorrow and the small but packed room erupted….was it the tune or that a few of the Lashed girls made an appearance…..could have been a mixture…..I know it sounds a cheese ball antic to drop that tune at the end but if you get that reaction, it’s fully justified in my opinion….. A brief walk home followed at the end of the night; thankfully no dodgy cigarettes had been consumed this evening as last year. I was content to be going to bed with my faculties in some kind of order. 8O :o
Dr Fox said:
I asked her if she knew what she’d looked like and she thought she looked fine. Well the pilot who stuck his tongue down her throat said it was like kissing a cow chewing the cud.
8O nice one
Monday 18th August 2003 (National Brain Day)

This was going to be an eventful day/night. The Braiiiiiin would be making an appearance later and I was quite concerned 8O . Not for him, but for Ibiza and it's inhabitants for the rest of the week. Think Trainspotting and Begbie 8O .....now the Brain isn't violent or anything like that, he's just, I don't know how you can put it.....the Brain I guess. It's a sort of intrepedation feeling that you know something is on the horizon and your not quite sure if it's going to be good or bad :? . We had a bit of a lie in that morning as tonight would be the Manumission/Space follow on so we needed all the energy we could muster. Got talking to some lasses from Newcastle and Sunderland who definitely knew their stuff about footy and I was suitably impressed. Chilled around the pool today and couldn't help noticing there was a definite increase in office pests around :( . Nasty Fox would be evident if I was to be splashed even on one occasion. Why do these knobs think they are impressive dive-bombing absolute strangers. Get a life you sad sh1te.

The Ivans arrived at 3pm prompt in preparation for a certain individual's arrival. We fired in the V&O's early doors and then I got the text message that will be remembered for ever. It simply read....."The Brain has Landed!" :D I Funking p1ssed my sides :lol: . Half an hour later, half cooked I strode out into the street with nothing but my towel to greet the party boy. It was emotional IO can tell you. The Brain has that effect you see. We must have given him literally 20 mins to get readybefore we headed off to Bar M. You could tell by merely looking at his face that he had caught the Ibiza bug even in such a short space of time. He was just loving it as he soaked up the atmosphere. He was amazed at how classy the place was as he'd imagined the whole place to be some kind of sh1thole :o . In his honour Bar M's resident DJ whipped out Jon Silver's Come on over, the Brain's anthem.......it couldn't have been better timed. :P In order to catch up with the rest of the Squadron's merryness, the Brain ordered himself 2 glasses of wine (in 1 of course), a redbull n vodka and a pint of stella with a shot of vodka in it!!! I see trouble ahead. With tickets locked and loaded we boarded the disco bus to Privilege. BeerMatt flying like a Nasa space module was turning into HugMatt so a firm rebuke was issued...i.e I'll beat the cr@p out of you if you don't stop and sent him on his way to hug the Crane instead.

We disembarked just past the Jurassic Park gateway and the first thing I noticed is that you couldn't hear the bass as you could last year....did somebody leave a window open last time?? Very odd. There was no earthshudder or rumble in the air. No strip search either...had Manumission gone soft? Keeping HugMatt on a leash was proving difficult as I had to keep an eye on the Brain too. With his future wife's final words to him before we left the appartment ringing in my ears - "I hope that Dr Fox is happy now!", I had to be on my toes :twisted: . Considering the amount of I'd consumed I felt comparitively sober, which made a refreshing change. The main room seemed pretty darn funky but there was only one place we had to go. A place where we feel most at home - unsurprisingly, the funky room. Smokin Jo was on sensational form with all the favourite deep funk tunes being tossed through the air with casual arrogance. The fan from a jumbo jet cooled our every move as we set up base camp at our usual perch to the top of the stairs directly under said fan. If that wasn't there, I do not think I could have lasted an hour let alone the 7 or 8 we were going to endure. The tribal element made everything just pass so quickly as though we were being carried along with the music through the night. Obviously the Brain vanished after an amazing 5 minutes of entrance. Rose Jnr informed it was ok as he was in good hands....HugMatt was with him!!! 8O The wife is gonna kill me!! 2 attractive Brummie girls came over to me and took one look at me dancing with stereotypical bottle of water in hand and said in unison, "druggie". That p1ssed me off no end, so I thunderbolt and lightfooted it over to purchase 2 bottles of beer at a billion euros each in disgust. The barmaid tried to shortchange me but by this time i was wired for sound and didn't fall for it.. Didn't even get the slightest apology as they tilled up and saw that I was right. Beatches :( . How hot was it down there? Room 108 is an inferno, there was unbearable. I lost 4 stone in 10 minutes of pure sweat. Funk the atkins get into a club with little or no air cona nd your laughing...you can even have a tasty shake for breakfast. :D

Went to try and find Laurel and Hardy (Brain and BeerMatt), which being this, the bidggest club in the world is no mean feat. Went through some curtains into a 1970's style disco room complete with glitterballs and flashing multi-coloured dancefloor. Cut some moves on there I can tell you.....Justin Trousersnake pah! Who's the daddy? Noticed a stray midget moonwalking 8O .....had to rub my eyes to make sure I wasn't tripping. It was then when I noticed most of the dancers in there were blokes. Cue one fuel injected Fox from the dancefloor and after some sweettalking of the bouncer he allowed me a safe passage (ahem! :oops: ) back into the funky room. By this time the wanderers had returned an all was well. Some pilots were schmoozing with some heffas that were laid out to pasture behind us. the tunes rolled along beautifully as the sun rose over the hills through the huge windows. I went for a sightseeing tour with PacMatt around the whole venue and it has to be noted that it is a spectacular venue and they had put on quite a show this year. Unfortunately the sun never seemed to rise completely while we were there although the daylight was blinding. I'm sure some people self imploded into piles of dust ala from Dusk till Dawn...i'd noticed quite a few creatures of the night during proceedings so there had to be a few vampires knocking about. Made a retreat at 8ish and ended up losing everbody trying to get out. Ended up in a garden, David Bellamy style desperatley searching for my way out. Eventually I somehow found my way out, alas my dancing Pumas were on overdrive and were fighting back, attempting to get me back in....calm down fellas, conserve your energy, were going to Space my friends.....TBC 8O 8)
i know this is the thing of the board at the moment
but i find it all a bit over indulgant
using words for the sake of it
totally unrevealing of the author
and a bit boring
know i am gonna get loads of grief for it
but there must be others up for a bit of foxhunting?
Robo said:
this has to be one of the biggest ever reviews.

don't believe in short and sweet eh fox?
For someone who drinks so heavily, his ability to remember detail is incredible!! I came back and thought about writing something like that and couldnt remember half the bars I had been to!!
not sure if i know what that means
but its probs very witty
well done you
BigBearHugBrenda said:
i know this is the thing of the board at the moment
but i find it all a bit over indulgant
using words for the sake of it
totally unrevealing of the author
and a bit boring
know i am gonna get loads of grief for it
but there must be others up for a bit of foxhunting?

Dead easy this one .... don't read it!

I don't think he put it on here for a critique ... and all you're doing is just showing yourself up as catty ..
*Saffy* said:
Dead easy this one .... don't read it!

I don't think he put it on here for a critique ... and all you're doing is just showing yourself up as catty ..

I agree. Dr Fox was just having a laugh, don't take it all so seriously.
Cheers g-c n Saff :D As the Brain was originally coming for the whole nine yards and then had to cancel to only come for 5 days (which he was genuinely gutted about :( ), we agreed I'd keep a note of what had happened over the week so he could appreciate what had taken place in his absence...he appreciated it anyway :D in fact he spent 4 hours on here reading the sodding thing yesterday. Big up the Braiiiiin!!!! :lol:

I just think this Bear has a sore head at the mo....cheer up Brenda I still love ya. 8)
Tuesday 19th August 2003

Whilst muching on a cheese n ham baguette, worth more than the average gold bullion bar 8O from the kiosk at the exit of Privilege, I spotted a minibus in the car park. The owner, Stifler's Mum, was worth a slice :twisted: , but she wouldn't let all 7 of us jump in....I haggled to the best of my ability alas no luck, however she did look at me as if i was possessed :evil: . That's what umpteen hours of dancing does to you lady! Saw the infamous Space Bus idling just in front of the main gates. It was dead apart from a lone couple who looked like they should be on the way to the local mortuary nevermind the Terrace. Most of the soldiers weren't interested so we flagged 2 taxis down, 1 legal and the other completely illegal once again. 20 Euro's can't be sniffed at though between 3, so it was a result all around. :D

Got back to the appartments and I could tell the Crane was up for it so we got changed into some fresh clothes, ie vests n 3 quarters as this was going to be hot one 8) . The other soldiers found it quite hilarious that myself and the Crane would even consider punishing ourselves anymore than we had for the best part of a week. We may not drink Iron Bru but we are harder than girders, this would be a walk in the park or so we thought. :? It seemed to tak an age to get a taxi and we kept looking at each other to say we're insane but we knew that we just had to go...at least once. The ride there was torture :( , no air con :( , blazing heat :( and eyelid battles were aplenty...caught a glimpse of the Crane head bobbing like a nodding dog in the back seat. Not a good sign. 2 ambulances sped past us 8O . Omens? Somehow got to Space armed with our 8 Euro stub from Manumission, which stipulated that we had to be in by 10.30am. We were outside in the queue at just before 10am. It was evident that things weren't going to plan when the queue still hadn't budged in 15 minutes. Only a handful of Brits were there saying/whinging they'd only has 5 hours sleep. Fook mi if only :evil: . Both wearing black vests, a haze started to form around us as the sun rays torched our backs. We looked at each other...we looked as if we'd escaped the asylum but were trying to break back in :lol: . At 10.25am with still no movement we realised we were being shafted so we came to the unanimous decision to retire. That should have been a really difficult decision to make but believe me it wasn't in the condition we found ourselves. 30 Euros for 5 mins of dancing (in the liberalist of sense of the word by this time) would have been ludicrous. The gates to Space looked shut as we stepped out of the queue. So guys I know I'm a failure but at least we tried :( :cry: :cry: .....I still think Space was guilty for locking us out. Bastards! :P The taxi ride back had air con, which although felt like a runner's up prize, kept us awake at least. Just as we arrived at the front door of the appartments, an ambulance pulled up beside us :oops: ....the Crane looked at me and we just p1ssed our sides! A sign! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Slept for no time at all and got up to search for the Brain. He'd made it back thank god but was totally carnaged. He didn't move once. Made it to the pool just as the sun was in overdrive, so spent most of the day climbing in and out of the pool. The Ivans were summoned at 4pm, even the Brain joined in when he eventually surfaced from his sweat pit. :roll:

Some cracking live PA in the Bay bar proved to be a perfect tonic for the night's livener -Kid Creme, Junior Jack and Tim Deluxe at Underwater in Pacha. Made our way to Bar M where WinoMatt and the Brain got trousered on the vino blanco as Junior Rose stayed at the appts due to being totally wasted from the week's antics. WinoMatt was shedded and could hardly stand, even though he insisted he showed off his 1 keg belly to anyone who dared to come into his vicinity. 8O He should keep off the wine..it's lethal. The Brain was introduced to the Geordie girls and was happy to discuss the fact that he'd been telling everyone that he was a millionaire and was treating his mates (us) to a holiday and that he owned a yacht moored in the bay. The only yacht he was likely to be seen in was the rubber dinghy he spent most of the day by the pool in.

Somehow we made it to Pacha and on entering the club we could distictively hear Shuranko MCing. Kid Creme and Junior Jack were well and truly in the house 8) . Deep and Under boomed around the main room...Together, together....Made our way to the dance floor near the VIP section under the first stage dancer. When E-Samba was dropped,I nearly took off :P . Pacha moved in unison as hands pointed in the air and the bass rocked the floor. The tunes were deep n dirty and the crowd was off it's t1ts. My current heroes were spinning and the set was smoking. If you have a chance to see these guys, do it. Tim Deluxe then hit the decks accompanied by more live singing and to cap it all off, out of the darkness stepped fprward a sax player, bongo player and a bass guitarist - de der der da, de der der da, my eyes, are buggin out - It just won't do Live....oh yeah! :D Closely followed by Less talk more action (I think it was Terra Diva singing). While all this was going on the fittest blonde dancer teased us with every move. To make matters worse she gave an Uncle Albert from Fools n Horses lookalike, in the VIP section, a private dance. Pure unadultarated filth! You can't beat it. Uncle Albert's the man 8) ;) . After a while we piled up to the Terrace to give our feet a rest. Slobbed to the tunes of Cypress Hill's Insane in the Membrane (did the DJ know the Brain was in the building -insane in the Braiin!!) and Dr Dre n Snoop's Nothin' but a G thang. Spent some time in the funky room, where said Braiin ordered a quadruple whiskey and consequentlyt passed out in a chair. Backfired, Race for Survival and the Revolution will not be televised made an appearance as did two gyrating lesbians dressed as a nurse and biker girl....only in Ibiza. We stayed until the lights came on and we were turfed out. Went back to our perch in the main room and stood next to what appeared to be an MTV camera crew. Did not wave to mum once. :!:

Left the c;lub around 8am and the Brain wanted to go to Space with some armbands we were handed outside Pacha. Blagged we were going to keep him quiet. Walked for a while until a white Rastifarian complete with reefer offered us a ride home, even though there was 5 of us. We all piled into a shed of a Peugeot 205. The Brains first comment was, "Oi mate, you got an MOT for this or what?" I cried with laughter :lol: :lol: . The ride home was a memorable one. Top geezer as he knew his Manchester bands - loved Oasis, the Roses, Mondays, New Order, etc. Loved his reggae of course. A yellow Megane cabriolet full of 5 tasty senoritas whizzed past us 8O . One kept turning arond and waving at me so I told the driver to go into hot pursuit.....which is not the best idea when you have 4 lads crushed in the back of a motor with Flinstone brakes. We dodged and weaved all the way back to the appartments. The girls stopped their car, the girl in questioned waved, blew a kiss and they drove off....never to be seen again......typical. The soldiers gagged the Brain and trudged to bed, cabbaged and with soiled underpants from the ride of terror we'd just experienced. Just another day of Ibiza mayhem. :D
i have just had a terrible day
got home and had a big smoke and some eats
then had a look at the board which is a norm for me these days
i love it here
ibiza changed me this year and i cant wait until next year
and i love having you peeps to make me smile and remind me what its all about
and this just made me laugh (and nearly cry) but most importantly it gave me butterflies in anticipation of next summer

and now time to come clean coz i have been a bit of a naughty boy
and i have pretty much been rumbled anyway (well done steven)
i have invented an alter ego
that i am embarresed to say i have a allowed to be a bit larrey at times
especially when stoned and drunk
sorry sorry to all the peeps who Brenda has offended
she is of to imaginary beefa for good now