Donald Trump....

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Great that Trump is speaking out, there are more race laws in South Africa now than during apartheid, but as they’re against white poeple the world is silent. Everyone on this forum is against racism right? You should all be praising Donald now.
View attachment 18633View attachment 18634

Great that Trump is speaking out, there are more race laws in South Africa now than during apartheid, but as they’re against white poeple the world is silent. Everyone on this forum is against racism right? You should all be praising Donald now.

Remember apartheid?
What was the Land Act during apartheid in South Africa?

The Act became law on 19 June 1913 limiting African land ownership to 7 percent and later 13 percent through the 1936 Native Trust and Land Act of South Africa. The Act restricted black people from buying or occupying land except as employees of a white master.
View attachment 18633View attachment 18634

Great that Trump is speaking out, there are more race laws in South Africa now than during apartheid, but as they’re against white poeple the world is silent. Everyone on this forum is against racism right? You should all be praising Donald now.

I doubt, that Trump has any clue about South African politics, history and ethnics.
This law is not only against white people, it is against wasteland in general. Unused land can be taken by the general public and be used as farmland. This land it is not taken away from the former owner for free, they are to receive a monetary compensation in the amount of the lands value.
For example, the church as such owns quite a sufficient amount of unused South African farmland, which could be given to white and black farmers. The royal Zulu familiy owns about 1/3rd of Kwazulu-Nataal parts of which are in question and I doubt they are white.

So, if you praise Donald Trump, you should be careful not to look as stupid as he does.
This is a law to be used by those in power against these not in power. White farmers and land owners will be screwed. The Zulus might also find themselves on the losing side, all depending on the shifting alliances and power struggles. But that will result in the breaking up of South Africa. I think this will be for the best. Western Cape should also GTFO at the first and best opportunity.
Some kind of irony in Trump standing up for women's rights (a) considering his stance on reproductive rights and (b) considering some of the things he's said and also been found guilty of. Maybe looks good in a day when you've just announced support for ethnic cleansing too..
Since 44% of women who voted chose Trump, it appears reproductive and other rights are not that important to U. S. women.
Some kind of irony in Trump standing up for women's rights (a) considering his stance on reproductive rights and (b) considering some of the things he's said and also been found guilty of. Maybe looks good in a day when you've just announced support for ethnic cleansing too..
What is his stance on reproductive rights?
It's fair to say they won't be safe in his hands.

I’d say it’s safe. He’s already said he has no plans of changing it from the states. That article is clickbait and those executive orders are just a continuation of bringing everything to the states.
What about equestrian competition?

And by the way, the real threat to women's sports isn't transgender athletes, it's underfunding and lack of resources

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He is doing what he said. *they* are doing what they said they would:

Interesting watch. Made 2 months before inauguration.

Wonder how much bio diesel i would make.
interesting how the whoppers in the gossip thread who called me insufferable largely overlap with the Nazi sympathisers on this thread...

safety in numbers eh, ladz...
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