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If ever I started voting in these stupid polls, it could only be for this man
dj chewie all the way for me, how do we vote for him?
My goal as a Dj, is to one day be banned from that poll
fantasise all you like 'Adrian'
the truth is these polls are a desperate last gasp attempt by the dance music establishment to shore up magazine sales - when deep down they know nobody really gives a rats arse anymore apart from a few mongs.
it's true the magazines have all but moved online (they had no choice) but the paper editions which sell best each year remain the poll editions, which are boosted by web publicity. However, since everything is leaked online first though - you gotta wonder if even that boost will count for shlt anymore. I mean what is the POINT of a paper dance magazine anymore? Only the collectors items like faith fanzine are worth bothering with for the historical angle.