Diet Pills - Worth It?

A (not so) quick update guys....

I have cut out eating crap - ie crisps, chocolate, pointless food.

I now eat 3 meals a day and nothing more - cereal for breakfast (Weetabix, Shreddies or Shredded Wheat (awful stuff)), Ham salad sandwich on brown for lunch, then a proper tea. Am not really skimping on my tea, usually have chilli and rice, omelette, or something along those lines, trying to cut out deep fried stuff and food like burgers., but am not going overboard on 'healthy' stuff.

Have upped my exercise - my 20 miles a week on the bike now include probably 10+ miles uphill, which i would consider pretty high intensity stuff. Play squash once or twice a week, every week, against an opponent very similar to me, so it's a fairly hardcore workout. Gym when i can be motivated to visit.

The results in the last couple of months have been great - i find i can now control myself on the bike - ie i'm not in the red constantly and dreading the next hill, i can decide when and where to put the real effort in. Not saying it isn't still tough, but my recovery time has improved immensely so after a big push on a hill i can get my breath back pretty swiftly in preparation for the next incline.

I find that with my squash whereas before i would be completely f*cked after one or two games, i'm now able to keep the intensity up for 4 or 5 games, at the end instead of a red, sweaty mess, i'm just sweaty :).

In terms of weight i've lost a stone and a half which i'm very happy with, and now find i have the mindset to carry on losing more. Hangovers seem much less full on, and i feel a lot better about myself generally.

Have to mention though, that i'm smoking a lot more as a means of not eating **** food, and instead of eating i have found that i have been drinking a lot more (alcohol), but the weight is still coming off so something must be going right.

I have realised that the road to a healthy body and mind is not an easy one, and one which involves an awful lot of self discipline and control. However, i'm confident that i can keep this moderate program up, at least for the time being, and am hopeful for a future which involves a flat stomach and a healthy mental and physical being. Or something.
thats brilliant mate well done!

ive signed up with a mate of mine doing 1 on 1 training sessions in the park. Would be cheaper to do group stuff but he does them early morning and im working nights. Its def the kick up the arse i needed , I couldnt make myself work that hard by myself in the gym but with someone there telling you what u gotta do u just get on with it. Ankle is ok to jog on now as well. Like you Ive noticed recovery time getting shorter and being able to exercise for longer. Havnt really weighed myself yet but def feel better for it.
Home made curry , tastes amazing , versatile , nothing bad in it at all. Spicy food gets your metabolism going too
it all involves effort though doesn't it :confused:

which I will put in when I have guests over - but just not arsed cutting things up when it's just for me
also the more exercise ive been doing the less unhealthy food seems appealing , even pints
*jumps down off very tall horse*
also the more exercise ive been doing the less unhealthy food seems appealing , even pints
*jumps down off very tall horse*

you are spot on

the problem is I will go to the sainsbury's next door in about half an hour and given the choice between the healthy salad and the southern fried chicken wrap I will go for the second one, every time
i think the problem can be relying on a supermarket for a 1 stop shop for lunch everyday. the healthy stuff isnt nice/fulfilling and the nice stuff isnt good for you. If you can find time it could be worth preparing stuff you like , then u can regulate exactly what goes into it and also the portion size. Green Tea is your friend too