Diet Pills - Worth It?

If you keep telling yourself you have no will power you are setting yourself up for and preparing for failure before you have started. Rather than beat yourself up about failures , make more of your victories . The desire for bad stuff will lessen the more the good feeling of eating and exercising properly increases
There's no such pill that is going to get you down to a healthy weight and keep you there that is healthy to take in the long run. Weight loss tablets are produced to sell to mugs.
Crash diets are bollocks.
Most of the advice you will get on internet forums will be from people that have either never been over weight or from people that are still over weight. Nearly anyone can lose a kilo or two in a couple of weeks but very few can keep losing that weight until they get down to their target weight and most put the weight back on very quickly.
You need to be eating more fat (eggs and fattier cuts of meat) and less carbs (sugary stuff, bread, pasta rice etc). The fat will keep your blood sugar more stable and so you will have less cravings for junk.
I've found that reading about the prices of drinks/club entry in Ibiza pre my first visit in a few weeks, it looks like I won't be able to afford to eat before that. Works out well - more money for Ibiza, and I could do with losing a few stone anyway.

Or start smoking.

Alternatively though in seriousness - Drink pints of water when you are hungry, and also keep yourself busy. I'm in the middle of moving house and in amongst work and buying stuff the other day I didn't realize that I hadn't eaten at all until 6pm.
You could start using Heroin. It has seemed to work for some of the residents of an "estate" near me.

It might be all the walking they do though. At a very fast pace I might add.
Another good thing for weight loss, interval training.
I do it 2-3 times a week.

Here's what I do....

Jog for 4 minutes to warm up.

Run as fast as you can for 30 seconds then jog for 1 minute - Repeat 3 times then jog for a further minute to get your breath back.

Repeat the above as many times as you can, I normally do it 4 times and am totally broken when I finish.
Yeah this is great for burning calories and improving fitness. You can spend half an hour on a cross trainer or about 8 mins doing that. Once im given the all clear to run again on this ankle will be doing intervals
Cheers for all your answers guys. So, basically i need to man up, grow a pair and do some excercise, guzzle lots of water instead of eat, or start using heroin. Decisions decisions :)
Custard pie for lunch on puff pastry and no gym for three weeks.

Have an office job and have been sat on my ar$e every night mixing.

eat less crap (its obvious what food groups are bad for you).
eat smaller portions
eat as much as you need (cut out the snacks)

drink more water!

or maybe you're just naturally bigboned.