Diet Pills - Worth It?


Active Member
I'm not exactly what you would call fat, but i could comfortably lose a stone or two. I'm reasonably fit, cycling between 20-40 miles each week, but my problem is food. I have ZERO willpower when it comes to stuffing my face with unhealthy crap, and i work in a hotel so there is always stuff around to gorge myself on :oops:

My question is: - Is there a diet pill out there that could stop me craving food, or make me feel full up so i don't want to eat? Have any of you guys used anything along these lines and how did you get on?

Alternatively, is there a magic willpower-giving drug out there? :)
I'm not exactly what you would call fat, but i could comfortably lose a stone or two. I'm reasonably fit, cycling between 20-40 miles each week, but my problem is food. I have ZERO willpower when it comes to stuffing my face with unhealthy crap, and i work in a hotel so there is always stuff around to gorge myself on :oops:

My question is: - Is there a diet pill out there that could stop me craving food, or make me feel full up so i don't want to eat? Have any of you guys used anything along these lines and how did you get on?

Alternatively, is there a magic willpower-giving drug out there? :)

Nope just man up fatty and eat less !;)
I go to the gym 3 times a week and go running 3 times a week but wanted to lose a little bit of body fat so I tried some fat burners which definitely stopped me feeling hungry.

I stacked them with these.

I probably lost about half a stone in 2 months.
They just generally stopped me snacking in the day.

Be warned though they can make you feel a bit spaced out at first until you get used to them and they recommend not to take them for longer than 8 weeks.

All in all pretty good but no dramatic weight loss which is what I wanted.
I go to the gym 3 times a week and go running 3 times a week but wanted to lose a little bit of body fat so I tried some fat burners which definitely stopped me feeling hungry.

I stacked them with these.

I probably lost about half a stone in 2 months.
They just generally stopped me snacking in the day.

Be warned though they can make you feel a bit spaced out at first until you get used to them and they recommend not to take them for longer than 8 weeks.

All in all pretty good but no dramatic weight loss which is what I wanted.

Cheers, i'll look into these
Just stop eating and get down to the gym! I dont understand people who want a quick fix to weight. Its simple: Eat less and exercise and you will lose weight.

Infact when you do lose a bit of weight / get fit it will make you even less inclined to snack!
Just stop eating and get down to the gym! I dont understand people who want a quick fix to weight. Its simple: Eat less and exercise and you will lose weight.

Infact when you do lose a bit of weight / get fit it will make you even less inclined to snack!

All fair points, but I HAVE NO WILLPOWER! I'm not looking for a magic pill which will lose the weight for me, i was after something which would take away my cravings for food and make me feel full up. Then the excercise i do every week should take care of the weight loss i hope.

Maybe a gastric band....:p
All fair points, but I HAVE NO WILLPOWER! I'm not looking for a magic pill which will lose the weight for me, i was after something which would take away my cravings for food and make me feel full up. Then the excercise i do every week should take care of the weight loss i hope.

Maybe a gastric band....:p

I've got very limited willpower too when it comes to food... thats why I hit the gym as often as I can to counteract it! For example a 40min run will burn off 500 calories, which is the equivalent of a typical takeaway meal. As long as you know what calories you're eating and do the relevant amount of exercise to bring them down sufficiently you should still lose weight.
Do a food/calorie chart and write down exactly what you have eaten. Then work out how many calories you need..

Use this as an example

I have no will power as well. I eat far too much and I have to train nearly every day to compensate.

Cycling is only low impact. Great as an all rounder but not for losing weight.
I had this problem and went from 167 pounds (76kg) to 195 pounds (89 kg) over the course of a decade. Surely, some of it was aging and most pounds were put on during travel, but I never had the willpower to really attack the problem.

I tried diet pills on one stretch a few years ago (natural kind. green tea extract) and cut down on portions and it worked quite well... but it's not a long-term solution. I gained the weight back eventually.

Last year, I went on a serious diet (no carbs, smaller portions, fewer meals) for 3 months and got down to 78-79kg - a good fighting weight for my size & frame although I'm still not quite the stick figure I aspire to be :lol: I've gained weight since, usually only when traveling, but when I come home I just cut back for a couple of weeks and I'm back to normal. I weigh myself regularly. I stay in that 78-80 range.

The decision I made - and this is where the willpower comes from - is that being overweight is just not cool. It's not healthy. It doesn't look good. I got to a point where I accepted that gaining weight is mostly down to a lack of discipline. That's what I think of when I see tubby people on the street (and old photos of myself!).

In short, forget the pills. Just grow a pair :p
try the 3 day diet! i lost 6lbs in the 3 days and its great for a 'preholiday shed a few lbs' before you have to fit into the speedo's!
its by the heart foundation for people to shed weight before operations and is just a matter of sticking to small portions over the 3 days AND IT WORKS!!
Water is your friend. If you start feeling hungry, down a pint of water or two and it'll fill you up a bit.
Water is your friend. If you start feeling hungry, down a pint of water or two and it'll fill you up a bit.
Oh ya. I meant to mention this too. Definitely true.

I drink water all day at the office when I want to skip lunch. Often, when you think you're hungry, your body is actually thirsty.

It can be unsatisfying when you crave flavor, but for that just get some gum.

Wow that burger looks heavenly!