Defected stole my photo

Toni Tambourine, that's a comedy name if I ever did hear one. He sounds like a childrens TV presenter. "Hi kids I'm Toni Tambourine and here's my good friend Freddy Flute".
why do you consider them different? (not arsey tone here) how do you define either one different?

yes, what was the bet. 20, 40 ?? please pay to the NSPCC and send me a screen shot or something.

I would have understood Castellano to be a unique language that has clear definitions and doesnt change much.

Spanish, would be more general, taking in different dialects and blending them all together..... more homogeneous than Castellano.

Thats my perception anyway............

Thankyou that donation of 25 was made and gratefully received.
they speak castellano in argentina. it's spanish. that's it.

they may speak argentinian castellano, but it's still castellano.

it'd be like calling american english, american. although at times.....
I looked into this using the power of Google and concede the point.

I will only note that my Spanish teachers in high school (one Spanish, one Mexican) led us to believe that castellano referred to Spanish in Spain i.e. the 'purest' form of the language. That's where I got the impression.
What dialect are you pups? West End , Byker or Jesmond / Gosforth? :D

Mark kind of like a "mid atlantic" but "mid-tyne" - being from "over the water" and officially a "sand dancer" :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

However according to some people I am not "propa geordie like" but I think its because I deal with so many different nationalities at work that you kind of have to slow down and dilute your accent to be understood - also I dont really have many totally full on Geordie mates - they're mostly all mates from college, or have moved up here from somewhere else through work etc and have stayed up here but still have their orginal accents - ie my husband is more scouse than ever and he's been in Newcastle longer than he ever lived in Liverpool :) :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Are you a proper Mackem and Tackem :lol: