Defected stole my photo

morbs, i had the s*n copy a whole article of mine recently, verbatim in places!

check this out though, in april, mixmag did an april fool's saying that ibiza was going to have a fallow year in 2011 and all the clubs would be closed. it was posted on their blog.

both pacha mag and defected have copied this as a true story and published as thus. dear oh dear.......

Did we talk about this before Gregosauras? The article I wrote for spotlight on the Puscha/Dirty Diamonds Villa party in 2006 appeared on the Sun website, but it turned out Spotlight had a syndicate deal with them. Worth checking.
The fact that someone publishes his or her pictures or any work in the internet doesn't mean that they are public domain. Copyright still applies.
sorry this sounds like a load of crap to me. maybe i'm just not so sure after the castellano/spanish thing or that ibicencos apparently favour speaking a foreign language (english) rather than one they nearly all speak fluently (castellano/spanish).

i googled copyright internet and almost all the articles i saw seemed to refute what you are saying.

I was going to drop this, but seeing that you want to persist in another thread, I will try and explain in a simple manner. I would take an educated guess and persume that you are English. Therefore, as an Englishman you never had to endure a foreign language or state imposed on your culture , therefore you may not understand the way repressed cultures react to certain issues connected with their identity.

As was referred to by a person that understands the Issue, certain Catalans hate Speaking the Spanish language and will use English instead, these were the people I was referring to in Ibiza, and there are a few.
New letter fired off to Defected :twisted:
Dear Greg

I sent the message below over a month ago and have yet to receive any response. I wondered when I might expect my caption to appear on your website?

An acquaintance was just telling me that an elderly Greek gentleman won $100,000 for unauthorized use of his photo in an advertisement. An ad for yogurt, no less. That kind of money would make a perfect downpayment on my holiday villa.

No, that's not a threat and please don't worry about taking the photo down (I've got screenshots anyway). Just a caption would be nice. You can use my nickname - Morbyd.

Best regards,

PS. I've copied your head of PR. As a PR guy myself, I'm sure Toni will understand how hypocritical this looks for Defected, especially when I start posting it on clubbing forums and the like.
New letter fired off to Defected :twisted:
Ooh. And a very quick response!
Hi John,

This is the first I've heard of this – apologies for not attending to it sooner, but I just didn't get the first email.

I will of course put a caption under your photo straight away.

Thanks for your patience.
I guess I should have copied the PR girl on the letter the first time :twisted: :lol:
I was going to drop this, but seeing that you want to persist in another thread, I will try and explain in a simple manner. I would take an educated guess and persume that you are English. Therefore, as an Englishman you never had to endure a foreign language or state imposed on your culture , therefore you may not understand the way repressed cultures react to certain issues connected with their identity.

As was referred to by a person that understands the Issue, certain Catalans hate Speaking the Spanish language and will use English instead, these were the people I was referring to in Ibiza, and there are a few.

i guess i'm english yeah. although all my family is irish and as a kid we often gathered around the coal fire to discuss the dark days of irish cultural repression at the hands of the english.

anyway, you make a very very grave error (nearly as bad as thinking castellano and spanish were different things in fact).........people in ibiza don't consider themselves "catalans", they are ibicencos and the distinction between how they feel about spanish or the spanish state is severely different than how a catalan, from barcelona lets say, feels about the same subject.

moreover, in the local village or anywhere else here, i mainly hear ibicenco, but never once when encountering an english speaking person or more strangely a non-ibicenco speaker, have i ever heard that person resort to using english over spanish.

i'm not trying to diminish the scale of the issue and the history, but i just totally disagree with that statement.
Ooh. And a very quick response!

I guess I should have copied the PR girl on the letter the first time :twisted: :lol:

I think you'll find its a man, Toni Tambourine if i'm correct ?! Met him in Ibiza last year, top bloke.

As for repsonding, I wouldnt have given you the time of day, just to see if you followed it up :lol:
I think you'll find its a man, Toni Tambourine if i'm correct ?! Met him in Ibiza last year, top bloke.

As for repsonding, I wouldnt have given you the time of day, just to see if you followed it up :lol:
What kind of man spells Tony with an 'i'? :lol:
But if you say he's cool...
You had a coal fire?? We peasants just had turf, coal was too posh for my family. It was not the English that first repressed Irish culture, it was the roman catholic church.

I always regarded castellano and spanish as different therein lies the problem that we have on the issue. I will still beg to differ with you on the subject.

Anyway I think I owe you cash on a bet we had regarding Mr Torres and Mr Gerrard?
You had a coal fire?? We peasants just had turf, coal was too posh for my family. It was not the English that first repressed Irish culture, it was the roman catholic church.

I always regarded castellano and spanish as different therein lies the problem that we have on the issue. I will still beg to differ with you on the subject.

Anyway I think I owe you cash on a bet we had regarding Mr Torres and Mr Gerrard?

castellano = the language of Castilla (castille)
spanish = espanol = the language of spain

castille dominates spain, therefore castellano and espanol are in effect the same thing

[lesson over/]
castille dominates spain, therefore castellano and espanol are in effect the same thing
Taking a broader view, given the worldwide spread of the Spanish language:

Would you not characterize castellano as a dialect of Spanish?
(albeit the most influential dialect, much like American English :twisted:)

They Spanish they speak in Argentina, for example, is quite different from castellano
castellano = the language of Castilla (castille)
spanish = espanol = the language of spain

castille dominates spain, therefore castellano and espanol are in effect the same thing

[lesson over/]

oooh its like dialect Top Trumps on here today.....
castellano is not a dialect, it's the original language of Castille whose kings used it as an imperialist tool in the violent occupation of the rest of the peninsula and beyond in latin america too. The various dialects flow from that, and the variant of Spanish used in the Philippines has close similarities but castellano is the source of all of it

am not sufficiently familiar with american english beyond what I've been subjected to on the television and in the cinema, but a part of me suspects that this is how our ancestors used to speak before they crossed the pond
they speak castellano in argentina. it's spanish. that's it.

they may speak argentinian castellano, but it's still castellano.

it'd be like calling american english, american. although at times.....
I always regarded castellano and spanish as different therein lies the problem that we have on the issue. I will still beg to differ with you on the subject.

Anyway I think I owe you cash on a bet we had regarding Mr Torres and Mr Gerrard?

why do you consider them different? (not arsey tone here) how do you define either one different?

yes, what was the bet. 20, 40 ?? please pay to the NSPCC and send me a screen shot or something.