
I'm not gonna even pretend that I have more than a few posts here but here's wisdom from someone that went through a hard time dating for the first time in practically ever at the age of 29 (I married my high school sweetheart and ~14 years latter got a tooth ache).

Ask yourself this: "Would you have sex with a clone of yourself?"

Odds are you would say no because you don't like guys. Guys are ugly and don't have anything fun to play with that you don't have yourself.

Therefore, you will NEVER understand why a woman would want to have sex with you and so will never understand why a woman likes you aside from just taking it on face value.

If she is on a date with you, she likes you, at least as a friend, possibly as more. That's a great start as you stand to gain at the very least a friend out of the mix and believe me, female friends are great because they are not only good friends that you may eventually get to fook but they also have other female friends/sisters/mothers/daughters that you can fook.

Bottom line, relax. It's just a date and she's just a person that may want to fook you.
That's a great start as you stand to gain at the very least a friend out of the mix and believe me, female friends are great because they are not only good friends that you may eventually get to fook but they also have other female friends/sisters/mothers/daughters that you can fook.

Grandmothers too!
Long distance romances. Thoughts?

I had no intention of even looking for anything as I've not long been out of a long term relationship, but I really like this girl. There are so many reasons for it not to work, and to avoid getting involved, but I don't think I've ever met a girl that I get on with like I do with her. Nothing is ever simple!
Long distance romances. Thoughts?

I had no intention of even looking for anything as I've not long been out of a long term relationship, but I really like this girl. There are so many reasons for it not to work, and to avoid getting involved, but I don't think I've ever met a girl that I get on with like I do with her. Nothing is ever simple!

Long as in London-Leeds or London-Sydney?

If it's the former sort of distance, go for it. It's like going on a mini-holiday every couple of weekends and what's the worst that can happen?
Long as in London-Leeds or London-Sydney?

If it's the former sort of distance, go for it. It's like going on a mini-holiday every couple of weekends and what's the worst that can happen?

Southampton-Norwich. 210 miles. Took me 3 hours going up at the weekend, very good run but it took over 5 coming home on Monday morning. Travelling is a pain, but there's other things. Both busy people, quite a big age gap, and as I said it wasn't part of the plan to start having feelings for anyone so soon after a messy end to a 9 year relationship.