Crazy news stories

"The BBC's Anna Holligan in The Hague says a judge at a preliminary hearing granted the woman bail on the condition that she leave the man alone. But just a couple of hours after being released, she allegedly called him again, says our correspondent."

No, really? :lol:
Gordon Ramsay's dwarf porn double Percy Foster dies in badger den


A DWARF porn star who was Gordon Ramsay's double has been found dead in the most bizarre of circumstances, according to UK tabloid The Sunday Sport.

Percy Foster's 107 centimetre (3'6") body was discovered in a badger's den in Wales.
The report says the 35-year-old was found, "deep in an underground chamber by Ministry of Agriculture experts ahead of a planned badger-gassing program."
Investigators have not ruled out the possibility of suicide, according to the report.
In a recent interview Foster spoke of his excitement about his growing career as Ramsay's double.
"Porn lookalikes get more money than normal actors. Dwarf lookalikes are as rare as hen's teeth and so can command top dollar.
"I've already ordered a new BMW and a diamond-encrusted Soda Stream," he said.
Gordon Ramsay's dwarf porn double Percy Foster dies in badger den


A DWARF porn star who was Gordon Ramsay's double has been found dead in the most bizarre of circumstances, according to UK tabloid The Sunday Sport.

Percy Foster's 107 centimetre (3'6") body was discovered in a badger's den in Wales.
The report says the 35-year-old was found, "deep in an underground chamber by Ministry of Agriculture experts ahead of a planned badger-gassing program."
Investigators have not ruled out the possibility of suicide, according to the report.
In a recent interview Foster spoke of his excitement about his growing career as Ramsay's double.
"Porn lookalikes get more money than normal actors. Dwarf lookalikes are as rare as hen's teeth and so can command top dollar.
"I've already ordered a new BMW and a diamond-encrusted Soda Stream," he said.

You couldnt make it up. :lol:
Gordon Ramsay's dwarf porn double Percy Foster dies in badger den


A DWARF porn star who was Gordon Ramsay's double has been found dead in the most bizarre of circumstances, according to UK tabloid The Sunday Sport.

Percy Foster's 107 centimetre (3'6") body was discovered in a badger's den in Wales.
The report says the 35-year-old was found, "deep in an underground chamber by Ministry of Agriculture experts ahead of a planned badger-gassing program."
Investigators have not ruled out the possibility of suicide, according to the report.
In a recent interview Foster spoke of his excitement about his growing career as Ramsay's double.
"Porn lookalikes get more money than normal actors. Dwarf lookalikes are as rare as hen's teeth and so can command top dollar.
"I've already ordered a new BMW and a diamond-encrusted Soda Stream," he said.

That's crazy:eek::lol:
Yesterday was a slow news day....

This illustration provided by Security Media accompanied an Abu Dhabi Police statement about the incident.


A sheep jumped to its death as it attempted to escape being slaughtered by an unlicensed butcher on top of a five-storey building, police said today. "The sheep preferred to die from falling" rather than at the hands of an inexperienced butcher, according to a statement.

The sheep jumped over a metre-high fence around the roof's perimeter after the butcher partially cut the sheep's throat, leading to a "fountain" of blood on the rooftop and the ground, where it landed on a parked car.
"The [butcher] completed slaughtering of the sheep on top of the car," the police statement said. "The sheep jumping on the car did not stop the butcher from finishing the slaughter."
Abu Dhabi police have said they were holding two people: the unlicenced butcher and the person who bought the sheep and hired the butcher. Officers learnt of the accident after being told a sheep had landed on a car near Najda street in Abu Dhabi.

No one was hurt, but the car was damaged.
Police added that the sheep's owner, from an unnamed Arab country, tried to slaughter the sheep himself in front of his apartment building, but failed because the animal kept escaping. He then hired the unlicensed butcher, from an Asian country, to do the killing.
The sheep was bought legally from a livestock market.
Officials have advised against dealing with unlicensed butchers and home slaughterers, and noted the importance of checking on livestock before they are butchered to make sure they are healthy. The country, including Abu Dhabi, has government-operated slaughterhouses for that purpose, officials said.
Police also noted that animals should not be slaughtered in residential areas.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Reminds me of when I was living in Almaty, I once saw a sheep butchered right outside my office window in the courtyard of the apartment building next door. One minute, I look out and see this sheep get out of a jeep and I'm thinking 'oh, that's so cute' and 5 minutes later I look again and they've got the headless body dangling from a rope strung over a tree branch :!:
(butchering an animal in the center of the city is not normal Kazakhstani practice, btw... in fact, I think it was illegal)