☣ Coronavirus ☣

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expect whatever you want, but some people saw birds in wuhan again after I don't know many years without a sign of them. and maybe, just maybe, there are a few things we could indeed learn from all of this.
Dont get mad over me Stivi, I was just expressing that there is nothing positiv here that could overcome the kaos Coronavirus brings to us.
So Sp coalition gov agonised for hours yesterday about what to do (not clear why the quarantined pony tailed VP turned up to the meeting rather than say skyping in). In the end, they decided to shut Spain down for 2 weeks, nationalise health and policing, involve the military and only permit travel to work, health services, care work, hairdressers, dry cleaners and tobacconists (!) (to a lot of amusement, these last 3 were deemed 'essential' services - perhaps as someone above said, they recognise that people cooped up for weeks will go nuts w/o fags?) All totally unenforceable of course. Anyone can claim they're on the way to the shops! I think their priority is really stopping gatherings.

There was also a huge (emotional) round of applause from people's windows for the medical services last night. Ibz too?
So Sp coalition gov agonised for hours yesterday about what to do (not clear why the quarantined pony tailed VP turned up to the meeting rather than say skyping in). In the end, they decided to shut Spain down for 2 weeks, nationalise health and policing, involve the military and only permit travel to work, health services, care work, hairdressers, dry cleaners and tobacconists (!) (to a lot of amusement, these last 3 were deemed 'essential' services - perhaps as someone above said, they recognise that people cooped up for weeks will go nuts w/o fags?) All totally unenforceable of course. Anyone can claim they're on the way to the shops! I think their priority is really stopping gatherings.

There was also a huge (emotional) round of applause from people's windows for the medical services last night. Ibz too?

yes we had the applause as well.
What we really could do with is a faster test and a serum test to see how many people have actually had it and now have [some] immunity.

Afaik the current tests only detect presence of the virus, not antibodies.

Without it, gonna be hard to know after lockdowns if it's just gonna come straight back or if enough people are immune ?
Hope everyone is safe and well!!! Has anyone checked the prices of flights since this all started??? Dublin to NYC one-way on a weekday in November (and almost any day/week that can be chosen) is anything from £300 and up to £600 with Aer Lingus!!!! It's normally around £400 return!??!!! I hope companies are exploiting the situation!!!
I've succumbed (is there a filthier word than that if you split it into three??) to this panic-buying epidemic and bought four bottles of red this morning instead of the usual two.
Well, you have to be on the safe side, just in case deliveries are delayed.
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