Coronavirus | Ibiza Updates

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Well-Known Member
hi folks,

starting a new thread now which isn't a discussion but rather helps to see the latest about any changes happening here on Ibiza because of covid-19. we shall post info about cancelled or postponed events (mainly nightlife but not only) as well as travel info. please keep in mind this situation can change super quickly and thus a post could possibly be outdated within hours. we are trying to keep the info as updated as possible, but can't guarantee 100% accuracy.
from HEART IBIZA: all events planned for april are cancelled.

from BORA BORA IBIZA: keep on dancing planned for 21st march is cancelled.
San Jose has cancelled ALL the events included in their fiestas program for the upcoming weeks. That includes the super-popular Flower Power party this saturday, the Sant Pepe Rock festival on aprill 11th, etc.
from ATZARO: springtime festival (fiesta de la primavera) originally planned for 29th march is cancelled. it should happen at a later point but no new date is out yet.
santa eularia s'en ocupa - one of the biggest job fairs on the island pre-season which has usually around 1500 participants and was planned for 19 and 20th march is cancelled (or possibly postponed to a later date).
EasyJet to let customers change flights
British budget airline EasyJet says it will let customers transfer their flights to another date or destination without a change fee, according to a Reuters report.

The airline says the changes apply to both new and existing bookings until further notice.

(received an email from easyjet myself last night which confirms this)
sport events postponed:

ibiza marathon (originally 4th april) - some time in october, new date still TBC

ibiza MTB vuelta (originally 10-12th april) - 10-12th october new date
various bars on the island are voluntarily closing as per government's recommendation to help prevent spreading of the virus.
^^ update:

The Balearic government ordered the closing of clubs, music bars, gyms, bingos, etc for two weeks. Normal bars and restaurants have to reduce its cappacity...
^^ update:

The Balearic government ordered the closing of clubs, music bars, gyms, bingos, etc for two weeks. Normal bars and restaurants have to reduce its cappacity...

this obviously means the planned events for the rest of march at OCTAN are also cancelled
san antonio cancels a massive amount of things until 31st march

ℹ️ L'Ajuntament de Sant Antoni de Portmany anuncia la cancel·lació de les activitats i esdeveniments programats al municipi fins al 31 de març, així com el tancament d'instal·lacions públiques atenent les recomanacions de la Direcció General de Salut Pública i Participació de la Conselleria de Salut del Govern dels Illes Balears a causa de l'alerta sanitària pel Covid-19.

‼️ Suspensió d'esdeveniments esportius:
- III Open Nacional de Pesca del Pesca Club Sant Antoni (14 de març).
- Trofeu Portus de Natació organitzat pel Club de Natació Sant Antoni (21 de març).
- Presentació Basquet Sant Antoni (22 de març).
- Primer Campionat AIPSC Illa d'Eivissa al poliesportiu de ses Païsses (27-29 de març).
- Partit que l'Eivissa Hoquei anava a disputar en Ca Coix per a provar les instal·lacions aquest 15 de març.
- Vola a Ibiza en Mountain Bike (aplaçada al 10, 11 i 12 d'octubre)
- Ruta de la Sal (9 al 12 d'abril)
- Escoles municipals esportives

‼️ Suspensió d'actes programats:
- Festival a benefici de la protectora d'animals RQUER ‘We Love Animals’ (14 de març).
- Mercat de productes de segona mà (15 de març).
- Mercat de Forada dels dissabtes.
- Fira de les 4 vendes a Forada (22 de març).
- Falles valencianes a Sant Antoni (27, 28 i 29 de març).
- Curs de prevenció de la fragilitat en persones majors al centre social de Sant Rafel (17 de març)
- Visita guiada a l'església de Sant Antoni (16 de març).
- Assemblea general de la Cooperativa agrícola de Sant Antoni ( (5 d'abril).
- Curs de prevenció de la fragilitat en persones majors en el centre social de Sant Rafel (17 març)
- Cicle de cinema Zinétic al Cine Regio
- Exposició del concurs de pintura i fotografia de Ports i fars de l’APB al Far de els Coves Blanques (prevista fins al 21 de març).
-Pintxa Sant Antoni (previst fins el 9 d’abril).

‼️ Tancament d'instal·lacions municipals i totes les activitats organitzades a aquests recintes:
-Escoleta Can Coix
-Biblioteca municipal
-Espai Jove de Sant Antoni
-Complex esportiu Can Coix (piscina, poliesportiu, camp de futbol, gimnàs...)
-Poliesportiu de ses Païsses
-Poliesportiu Quartó de Portmany
-Centres culturals
-Centres socials

Totes les mesures queden supeditades a possibles futurs canvis en base a noves informacions o instruccions rebudes.
until 31st march (for now), the sea connection to formentera will be held at a minimum of 10 departures per day. entry controls at the port as well.
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