as expected
Orange Army 2020 News Update
We have with great optimism and positivity held on for as long as we could in the faintest hope that we could all party this year across Brighton,at Clockstock UK (Chelmsford City Racecourse), Ibiza (Boat Parties, Clockstock at Benimussa Park, Double shhh on the beach, Amnesia and Sunset Ashram) and Amsterdam (TBC) but unfortunately this will not be the case due to the obvious global pandemic we are all facing together.
So, for the last few weeks we have been paying back the monies and conversing with ALL the varying ticket sellers to fully automate YOUR payments where possible for YOU to receive refunds or transfer tickets over to the new 2021 dates (if YOU wish)
Clockstock UK June 19th 2021
Ibiza 2021 (15th - 19th of July 2021
This will be your choice to receive refunds or transfer to next year’s NEW date.
Ibiza 2020
Again, this will be your choice to receive refunds or transfer to next year’s NEW date.