Chris Sutton retires from football

tsk tsk. remember the rules everyone.

Behaviour towards other members. No Racism, Sexism or Agression is tolerated on this board.

Please treat others as you would like to be treated yourself. This is a forum where everyone can participate. Discussions can get quite lively, but don't be offended, they are only opinions.

Please be aware of sarcasm and the intimidating effect it can have on new members. New members should be welcome all the time and it can be very off-putting for a new member when he / she is scared about posting because they are afraid of receiving an agressive or sarcastic response

you expect me to be nice to some new poster who comes on here and lambasts me and my team,your joking right.
calm down jonny. :lol:

cant wait for the Fanstasy l;eague to start again this year, i can predict even more testy tension to come... ;)
Oh yeah, I havn't even brought that one up. Eh Jonny, for someone who knows NOTHING about football ( Moi ). I sure did bend everyone over pretty good at Fantasy League eh ? ( Including yourself ? :( ).

Your champ.
Surely you can see that whilst the big jpegs are strange - posting an extract from a website eulogising Chris Sutton is just asking for the Mickey to be taken?

What did ya expect - endless comments of the 'what a guy, did so much for country/club/charity' etc.

It was asking for the mick to be taken, laying into people for doing so is a bit harsh.

If i was to post something about the retirement of, say, Fowler, the Man U fans would no doubt go spare - especially if i just put up an extract from the press.

but that said are we not swimming in a sea of bad vibes at the mo? can the mods not do something?!:confused:
Surely you can see that whilst the big jpegs are strange - posting an extract from a website eulogising Chris Sutton is just asking for the Mickey to be taken?

What did ya expect - endless comments of the 'what a guy, did so much for country/club/charity' etc.

It was asking for the mick to be taken, laying into people for doing so is a bit harsh.

If i was to post something about the retirement of, say, Fowler, the Man U fans would no doubt go spare - especially if i just put up an extract from the press.

but that said are we not swimming in a sea of bad vibes at the mo? can the mods not do something?!:confused:

as a matter of fact if another player from a rival club retired even if i disliked that club, i wouldn't bother commenting and turning the thread into a farce, there is clearly an anti Celtic element on here, anti SPL in fact,who think they are being all witty and clever by making sarcastic comments,pathetic really.:rolleyes:
as a matter of fact if another player from a rival club retired even if i disliked that club, i wouldn't bother commenting and turning the thread into a farce, there is clearly an anti Celtic element on here, anti SPL in fact,who think they are being all witty and clever by making sarcastic comments,pathetic really.:rolleyes:

What a guy. I wish I was you.

Hail Hail Chris Sutton-LEGEND.i think because he told those morons at the FA to go forth and multiply made him a bigger hero in my book.

how many teams do The Mighty Hoops have to beat before we get the credit we deserve?Barcelona,liverpool and the other great team in the world,Manchester United just to name a few!it took European Champions AC Milan over three hours to knock them out of europe this season!

it must really grind with some people that a team north of the border can lead teams like the mighty Chelsea and Arsenal in european cups!just out of curiosity,how many fans do the Arse and Chelski have outside London?local teams who don't have the worldwide appeal and heritage as the Bhoys.
why don't you mind your fu**ing business then, ill say what i want,don't need spam merchants like you runing threads,the rest on here are jokers anyway, but the likes of you i wouldn't pi** on if you were on fire.

And for your information i do support my local team here in Dublin as well.

Now go away and die a slow death.

jeez, one more and you've got a clubs side for every season!! (fyi jonny,that's season as in summer, spring, etc not as in salt or pepper or the football season;))
Hail Hail Chris Sutton-LEGEND.i think because he told those morons at the FA to go forth and multiply made him a bigger hero in my book.

how many teams do The Mighty Hoops have to beat before we get the credit we deserve?Barcelona,liverpool and the other great team in the world,Manchester United just to name a few!it took European Champions AC Milan over three hours to knock them out of europe this season!

it must really grind with some people that a team north of the border can lead teams like the mighty Chelsea and Arsenal in european cups!just out of curiosity,how many fans do the Arse and Chelski have outside London?local teams who don't have the worldwide appeal and heritage as the Bhoys.

well said mate, there is a big anti Celtic thing on here, more often than not they are slated, and yes it does get to to people who support these clubs that a team from Scotland have such global support, one of the biggest worldwide.

well said mate, there is a big anti Celtic thing on here, more often than not they are slated, and yes it does get to to people who support these clubs that a team from Scotland have such global support, one of the biggest worldwide.


there soooooooooo isn't an anti-celtic thing on here at all............there is an anti-people who talk bollox thing yeah, but not against celtic.

sadly for celtic, as i've said many times before, with you as a supporter, it gives the club a bad name. had you been a supporter of halifax town, then you'd prob think there was an anti-halifax thing too.

well said mate, there is a big anti Celtic thing on here, more often than not they are slated, and yes it does get to to people who support these clubs that a team from Scotland have such global support, one of the biggest worldwide.


here jonny .......... whats the weather got to do with the current price of onions ............ :D:D:D:D
Hail Hail Chris Sutton-LEGEND.i think because he told those morons at the FA to go forth and multiply made him a bigger hero in my book.

how many teams do The Mighty Hoops have to beat before we get the credit we deserve?Barcelona,liverpool and the other great team in the world,Manchester United just to name a few!it took European Champions AC Milan over three hours to knock them out of europe this season!

it must really grind with some people that a team north of the border can lead teams like the mighty Chelsea and Arsenal in european cups!just out of curiosity,how many fans do the Arse and Chelski have outside London?local teams who don't have the worldwide appeal and heritage as the Bhoys.

Oh Christ heres another one

Do you need a Bsc in paranoia to be a Celtic fan
there soooooooooo isn't an anti-celtic thing on here at all............there is an anti-people who talk bollox thing yeah, but not against celtic.

sadly for celtic, as i've said many times before, with you as a supporter, it gives the club a bad name. had you been a supporter of halifax town, then you'd prob think there was an anti-halifax thing too.


ill treat your pathetic comments with the utter contempt they deserve.