chiliean miners!


Active Member
after already being trapped for 3 weeks underground,its gonna be another 2 months before the 33 men are rescued!..:eek:
It is an amazing story, isn't it? I've been following it for a few days now, since they drilled the bore hole into their chamber and found out the guys were alive.

Within a week, they will already have survived longer trapped underground than anyone else. And they've got at least two months to go (many estimate up to 4 months :!:)

Great that they've got the 3 bore holes now so that they can communicate and get food, air and supplies. They've also apparently got access to some tunnels so they've got a place far away from their room which they use as a toilet (one of my initial concerns when I read the story :oops:)

Last story I read said they've told the guys to avoid gaining weight or else they might get stuck in the escape shaft once it gets drilled. They'll have to have waist sizes of about 30 inches!
Truly unique and odd scenario...I'm gonna read the hell out of this once it's all over as the psychological/physical aspects of it really fascinates me, though reading/watching/hearing about it gives me the willies at the moment(!)
I have a feeling some of them are gona snap. Its uncharted territory and could do all sorts of things to you mentally. Is it totally dark all the time down there? that alone woud send them crazy
I have a feeling some of them are gona snap. Its uncharted territory and could do all sorts of things to you mentally. Is it totally dark all the time down there? that alone woud send them crazy

another week before bum fun becomes the norm. it'll be like saudi arabia in there. who's the chai boy this week etc?
I have a feeling some of them are gona snap. Its uncharted territory and could do all sorts of things to you mentally. Is it totally dark all the time down there? that alone woud send them crazy
They've apparently got some motorized machinery down there which they were able to occasionally start up and use the battery to recharge their head lamps.

Now they've sent down a bunch of high-powered, low-consumption LED lights. So they've got lighting.

The people on ground level should send down some books and games or something! Boredom has got to be an issue by now.
another week before bum fun becomes the norm. it'll be like saudi arabia in there. who's the chai boy this week etc?

I would think I wouldn't snap, but on second thought would go mad a few days without my tech stuff. I would stay away from the chai boy stuff. I would just go off in a corner and crack one :oops:
N.A.S.A are sending specialists to advise and help with regard to the effects of spending long periods of confinement in a small area.

I can see another Apollo 11 style movie in the pipeline.........
OK.. it's great that they got them out and everything.........But Sky News today is showing a live coverage of removal of every single one of them. I assume about 30 hours worth.
Now call me an unsensitive cynic if you want.....but Sat Nav, that's amazing...a laptop computer..that's phones...incredible.
But......drilling a hole through a bit of rock?
Great they did it and worthy of a bit of national pride for Chile etc...... however.. In my opinion all a bit over dramatized.

I will now get ready to duck. :)
I think its more the spending 60 odd days trapped underground, spending the first 17 days not knowing if anyone knows you are alive or even if they are looking for you, then finding out it will be at least another 3 months before you get out, if at all, add to that not knowing if you will ever see your loved ones again, hold that wife, son, daughter, brother, sister, breathe the open air, see daylight. Then all of it coming to an end, only after you have been essentially pulled through half a mile of pitch blackness in a steel coffin knowing that if anything goes wrong you cooulf either plummet back to yout death or get stuck indefinately

I dont know about you but I dont think I could have handled that without going slightly bonkers, so in answer to your question, this is quite phenomenal!!!
Is it a testament to a new mood of respect on spotlight that no one has posted anything paedo X and the chilean minors?

whats happened?
