Charlie Sheen - so much more an interesting breakdown than Mel Gibsons....

He is on the TV or radio with something he has said everyday. One of the local radio station near me hired a plane to fly over his house with a sign that said Charlie call into our show and he did:eek: He was funny. The show he had on was good 2 and a half men.
Of course he's playing to the cameras,don't forget he's an actor.
He will soon have 3 million followers on twitter and has only been on there for a few days!

All about the $$$$.
This is my favourite for today:-

So, as you may or may not know, Charlie has been doing his own guerilla TV show from his house in Beverly Hills, called Sheen's Korner. During these episodes Charlie discusses anything that comes into his head, which as you can imagine, is quite a lot. Most recently he's been talking about being fired, although in such a way as to lift the heart and give wings to the imagination.
"Good evening. What occurred yesterday was completely and entirely illegal. Unconscionable. And to quote my lawyer really ****ty, ****y, suck suck.

"The decision to choose the enemy is generally thought of as quote 'a chaotic and random event fueled by the circumstance of injustice but paralleled by the finite rate of purpose' end quote.

"Now that I have your lazy ****ing attention world, sit back and rejoice. For the Malibu Messiah, the Condor of Calabasas, the ****ing warlock of the jealous face that is before you.

"Undigested hummus trading real estate for this fire dance.

"I beg you all to stay glued for this raving wise, Gibson shredding napalm poet before you. Alone and unshackeld as the despreate cries of the soon forgotten echo freely in my lair.

"Beware I told all, yet but beware clearly I told no one. Oh how they once begged to attend my perfect banquet in the nude, now they just beg for the keys to my gold."

"Number 1 - Less than Goonves. Part scoundrel part my hair to the side. Screw Less I proclaimed, or better yet, screw more.

"You gave me your word so in turn you gave me nothing. It must really suck being your mrs.

"The promise of getting something yet receiving nothing. In-vitro aside, all shiny pool boys rejoice and line block around your house. Sizzle, losing, bye.

"Number 2 Peter Roth - Who I will not call sloth. I'll spare you this revelatory of pure expose as your heart was always rooted in fairness and heartbound and good tidings.

"Trust not your evil over lords they will discard you and abandon your precious family, liars and fools all of them.

"Number 3 Bruce - Bruce daisy and wilt. shame on you, you much shorter than average fool. And shame on your invalid attempts to shell game this grand magician.

"My crew now knows the truth. Yes that is all of their fists pounding on your paper thin chamber door. They now lead with solid proof of your sordid hypocrisy and yellow-spined tactics.

"Wait is that an angry mob raiding your muck hole? It is over tiny man. Grab ankles and accept your fate.

"Wow it must really suck being you right now. The pulp of fiction suits you well. Since childhood short, weak, thick glasses, never seen by a goddess, only owned by a bully like a bitch. Sizzle, losing, bye.
That's some straight up poetry **** right there. Our favourite stanza would have to be:
Beware I told all, yet but beware clearly I told no one. Oh how they once begged to attend my perfect banquet in the nude, now they just beg for the keys to my gold.
Perhaps Charlie would come and be our poet laureate? The position's currently held by a woman, Carol somethingorother, but we're sure if he applied she would soon be forgotten. He is, after all, a man.

Read the whole story on Holy Moly!
The best celebrity gossip site in the world.
surely Keef beats everybody else hands (and nose) down?

He's a legend! I read his book in December, one bit that particulary stood out. 8g lines! What??

One of my biggest pleasures has always been the ritual of opening a sealed bottle of cocaine. Just looking at it staring at it, breaking the seal, I would get an instant rush euphoria. It was a bigger pleasure than actually consuming the cocaine itself. As I broke the seal I emptied on the glass two-thirds of the bottle. Then I prepared two equal piles of about eight grams each for Keith and myself and about four grams for Ronnie.

When completed I said the following to Keith: "Keith, I would like to test you. What kind of man you are," knowing very well he would stand up to any challenge. I made two lines grabbed a straw and with swift action snorted my share of eight grams. "Now let me see if you can do that." In my entire adult life I had never seen anyone indulging in a quantity of this magnitude. Keith looked, stared, grabbed the straw and duplicated my effort with no difficulties. I passed the four grams to Ronnie saying, "You are a junior. That's all you get. Do it." He did it.

Pharmaceutical cocaine cannot be compared in any way to cocaine produced in Central or South America. It is pure does not bring on depression or lethargy. A totally different type of euphoria one of creativity exists immediately when it is absorbed by the central nervous system. There are absolutely no withdrawal symptoms.

As I passed the line to Ronnie I was ready to hit the ceiling, an enormous rush. Oh ****, what a sensation. Absolutely nothing I knew of could compare. As I offered Ronnie his line those were the last words to come out of my mouth for the next six hours. We embarked on a journey to Woodstock. (Freddie Sesler)
Lol the Yanks can't handle drugs on a heavy scale they always top themselves in the end.. the Brits live on 'til their natural doom =)
Do celebrity excesses really shock anyone? Yeah, they've got to time and money to make a decent fist of it, but the average Joe holding down a job while Going Friday to Sunday muntered is more heroic in my eyes.

And some of them are lightweights. I remember a tabloid expose of Colin Farrell going on a '7 day drink and drugs bender', listing the three grammes of cocaine, 7 pills and couple of bottle of Jack he'd imbibed. We all wondered what he did after day one:lol:

No, I think he's just suing for breach of contract.
I'm sure he's convinced, as are most, that there's no going back.
I even read that he's backed Rob Lowe to take his place
No, I think he's just suing for breach of contract.
I'm sure he's convinced, as are most, that there's no going back.
I even read that he's backed Rob Lowe to take his place

Your correct. The show won't be the same without charlie.