Champions League Final tickets


Got em :D :D :D

Just found out today... free gift from someone I helped out with a couple of things.

Thank god it won't be a repeat of last year sitting in a pub in Istanbul. :lol:
Morbyd said:
Got em :D :D :D

Just found out today... free gift from someone I helped out with a couple of things.

Thank god it won't be a repeat of last year sitting in a pub in Istanbul. :lol:

i think its a disgrace that real fans aren't gonna be able to go the game and instead CORPORATE AMERICA gets the box seats. :x
Uh... I think that's what the neutral section is all about there, grego :rolleyes: Supporters of Barca and Arsenal have their own sections.

Plus, I paid my dues in Istanbul last year. And I want to go to the game and have been planning on it even after Chelsea was out 2 months ago. So :p
Morbyd said:
Uh... I think that's what the neutral section is all about there, grego :rolleyes: Supporters of Barca and Arsenal have their own sections.

MOrbyd you know you'd would be saying the same if it was Chelsea in the final and you couldn't get a ticket :rolleyes:
I already had my tix lined up in February if Chelsea had gone through.
I am sorry that Pep didn't get tickets though. I would be very upset in his position.

Nevertheless, no, I wouldn't complain about the neutral section. That's what it's there for. Neutral fans who want to see what should be a great match. It's not a good thing when fans of either team infiltrate the neutral section (or the other team's section). The football security people take that stuff very seriously.
bollox to the neutral said in the FA cup final tickets thread, i can gurantee that there was no neutral section in Istanbul last year
grego said:
bollox to the neutral said in the FA cup final tickets thread, i can gurantee that there was no neutral section in Istanbul last year

Morbyd how many people bought FIFA tickets and are selling them now? Do you think neutral public will spend 1000€ for a ticket? :confused:

The Champions League final should always be played at Barça: 100.000 sits :evil:

I'm sorry Morbyd, but I doubt you would be that pleased with the neutral section if it was your team playing and you couldn't get a sit. ;)
The standard allocation to the supporters of the playing teams is nothing short of a disgrace. Don;t get me started on it.

Morbyd, your stance on this is "Classic Morbyd". It's like you fashion your opinions to mould or excuse your behaviour or interests!
So lynch me.

Bunch of spoilsports.

I might take your criticism to heart more, Dan, if I weren't right. If you think the allocations are wrong, fine. That is a valid point of contention. But they are as they are and, under those circumstances, my point stands.
Morbyd said:
So lynch me.

Bunch of spoilsports.

I might take your criticism to heart more, Dan, if I weren't right. If you think the allocations are wrong, fine. That is a valid point of contention. But they are as they are and, under those circumstances, my point stands.

Is this you (foor once!) admitting you are wrong? I sense we're getting close here...
This will sound funny coming from someone who's sold a ticket for about 8 times the amount he paid for it but I do think all the tickets should go to the actual supporters. Selling it to neutrals only makes me do what I did!!! (even if I did sell it on to an Arsenal fan)

Neutrals dont create an atmosphere.
You all are just jealous :p

(and no, Dan, what I said was that under current UEFA allocation rules, I am right)
I agree that the allocation of neutral tickets is a joke as most just go to corporate sponsors who leave seats empty while real fans get scalped by touts for hundreds of quid. In the World Cup final for example over 30% of the tickets will go to sponsors and the like. If i was an Arsenal fan i'd be annoyed at tickets being handled like this for what could be the biggest moment in a fans life.

two fingered salute at x-amount:p

lets not get confused here............touting is alrite, the prawn sandwich brigade or neutral fans at important games/concerts is not.................

especially americans who know nothing about the game................define makelele's role again for us morb:p
Yeah that's right i've got to say though there is nothing right about touting when for example a regular season ticket holder who pays 550 quid a year has to pay the same amount again to go see their team in a european final and somebody who has never even set foot in a football stadium gets a free corporate ticket....but it's just a fact of life i guess.