Carl cox@space...


New Member
Hiya peeps,

i know there has been lots of questions on this before.

but do i get tickets for this night, or do i pay on the door.

i know there is different prices for different times.

Does that mean that if i get there between 10 and 12 the door price will be 12 euros?

thanks guys....

Yeah something like that.

If you get there early enough I think it's free, although that might've just been the launch party.

Get there before, or around 10 though.

I got there around 10, was hardly anyone there, had to wait outside to meet some people, by the time they came the queue was about a mile long, people climbing over eachother and all sorts to get in!
ok cheers alex.

so if i went and paid on the door between 10 and 12 it would only cost me 12 euros.

Robo said:
ok cheers alex.

so if i went and paid on the door between 10 and 12 it would only cost me 12 euros.


There should be some flyers floating about that get that knocked down as well.

Knock 5Euros off entry or something I think.
the price for all the carl cox parties are :

between 20:00 and 22:00 -> free
between 22:00 and 00:00 -> 15 euros
after 00:00 -> 35 euros
Free from 8-10pm (what a bargain!)
15 euros from 10-12
35 after but 5 euros off with flyers

for all the above prices, you need a flyer or a wristband but these are floating about everywhere.

Saw Carl Cox with Kevin Saunderson last week and I can honestly say it was one of the best nights of my life.
Right around the corner from Space where all those bars and the jet apartments are is a dude who sells tickets for cheap.

Real cheap
On 02.09. the queue in front of Space was HUGE around 23:50 - so if you try to save your Euros get there early !

f***ing awesome, that night...
We went on 02/09.

This week before 10 there was a 10 euro charge. (introduced cos no-one was buying drinks - surprise surprise).
We got pre-12 tickets for 15 Euros, but by the time we got to the front of the queue it was after 12. We then had to exchange these for after-12 tickets which were 25E. ARSE!! The price on the door was 35E.
Some people got wristbands given out at Bora Bora that discounted 5E on the door. They were given a ticket at the entrance that looked like a drinks voucher, which would have made this means the most cost effective. One problem though, the bar staff were not in on it and refused to accept them - does anyone know what these were for??

My advice, buy the 15E pre-12 tickets, and get there for about 11. That way you'll be able to see plenty of Coxy's sweat on the terrace, and you won't risk fannying about like us.
The queue to get in early is MASSIVE!

sometimes they get cheeky and rub out the discount u get with flyers.

Best double check when ur on the island Rob
HERE IS THE DEAL GUYS, we went last tuesday to see Carl Cox.

Hang out at Bora Bora from around 7pm for a bit of an unofficial pre-party, there should be some wierd German guy giving out Bright yellow wristbands at the main entrance to Bora Bora (you know the one beside the resteraunt). Get a few of these which claim to give you free entry before 8 and 10. NOW realise there will be a queue the closer it gets to 10 so be clever and leave Bora Bora at 9:15, this will leave you in a 10 min queue by the time you get to space still getting you in by 10 and just in time to realise that it isn't really free at all. Officially it is free on the basis that you buy at least one drink once in there but to make sure that you don't bullshit them they make you pay for it on the door ( 10 E ) and give you a drink voucher. So basically it is 10 E plus a free drink to see Carl Cox if you get in before 10. Still a great deal if you ask me.
SUCH a good night. Basically don't get your tickets in advance or you'll pay more than on the door (other way round to normal).

Have a good one!