Brrrr - Cold snap until Christmas!!

-13 this morning when I set off for work - I had to scrape the ice off the INSIDE of the car windows - as my breath was freezing on them.......... :eek:
That's colder than it was here this morning!
Must be difficult if you're not used to it.
Absolutely sick to death of this **** weather now.

Work has ground to halt due to the weather, losing £ everyday when we should be having a good finish to the year, guttering all ripped off due to roof avalanche, and will need scaffolding to get the ****er back up.

post office won't collect our mail as we're in a "no-go zone" - 5 miles from the depot :rolleyes: I drove to Leeds and back on Saturday, there's **** all wrong with the roads.

Constant black fingernails from the coal dust after the incessant stoking of stoves to keep warm - i don't care how much you scrub that coal dust just hangs in there -and a ****ed back from digging the thick ice off the path everyday.

I feel like a Victorian peasant, without the cool clothes.

Feel better after venting, Mark?

Perhaps a tankard of hot mead will cure thy ills, ya peasant? :lol:
9 days?

UK snow: 7 stuck in pub keeping their spirits high by eating, drinking

London, Dec 5 : Seven people have been stuck inside a pub for the past nine days after the building was engulfed by 16ft snow drifts.
you can try and put a positive spin on it but the brutal truth is it sucks on every level

not just the shivering aspect and not just the fact it adds extra unnecessary zeros to the end of your bills and not just the fact it gives an excuse for juvenile terrorists to play truant and pelt your car with projectiles when not scrawling pictures of penises on the back window

but also the fact you have to endure countless bores telling you how much they enjoy it and how it feels christmasy and aaaaah

by rights, all of us should migrate south in the winter like the birds but we choose to remain, which I think says a lot more about our mental health than it does about theirs
but also the fact you have to endure countless bores telling you how much they enjoy it and how it feels christmasy and aaaaah
Ooh... these people drive me crazy.

Yes, I admit that Christmas with my parents, now residing in southern climes of the US, feels somewhat surreal having grown up in a part of the country that has a remarkable phenomenon known as "four seasons".

But when it's hovering just above freezing here in Moskva and those people start talking about how it's not cold and snowy enough and doesn't feel like New Years (in hype and tradition, their equivalent to our Christmas), I want to smack them.

Violence will be spared this year, seeing as it turned cold early :cry:
Absolutely sick to death of this **** weather now.

Work has ground to halt due to the weather, losing £ everyday when we should be having a good finish to the year, guttering all ripped off due to roof avalanche, and will need scaffolding to get the ****er back up.

post office won't collect our mail as we're in a "no-go zone" - 5 miles from the depot :rolleyes: I drove to Leeds and back on Saturday, there's **** all wrong with the roads.

Constant black fingernails from the coal dust after the incessant stoking of stoves to keep warm - i don't care how much you scrub that coal dust just hangs in there -and a ****ed back from digging the thick ice off the path everyday.

I feel like a Victorian peasant, without the cool clothes.


I have no guttering at all now - luckily B&Q has a special on guttering so off to buy that as soon as the snow is gone, and we also think next doors cat is buried under the 3ft of snow that fell from the roof - dreading digging that up - but the cat hasnt been seen since the snow came piling off the roof :cry:

I am so over the open fire now LOL - :lol::lol::lol:sick of finding sooty marks on my face when I go out the house - sick of coughing ash from cleaning the fire

Sunday I spent lying on the sofa with a hot water bottle on my crocked back - same as you chipping 3" of solid ice from the front and back door to get out the sodding house!!

bins havent been emptied either cos the lorry still cant get down our street due to the inconsiderate dumping of cars - grrrrr!!
Apparently - we are looking to have an extremely hot summer next year due to the coldness of this winter so far.... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: yeah right!!!
I have no guttering at all now - luckily B&Q has a special on guttering so off to buy that as soon as the snow is gone, and we also think next doors cat is buried under the 3ft of snow that fell from the roof - dreading digging that up - but the cat hasnt been seen since the snow came piling off the roof :cry:

I am so over the open fire now LOL - :lol::lol::lol:sick of finding sooty marks on my face when I go out the house - sick of coughing ash from cleaning the fire

Sunday I spent lying on the sofa with a hot water bottle on my crocked back - same as you chipping 3" of solid ice from the front and back door to get out the sodding house!!

bins havent been emptied either cos the lorry still cant get down our street due to the inconsiderate dumping of cars - grrrrr!!
Apparently - we are looking to have an extremely hot summer next year due to the coldness of this winter so far.... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: yeah right!!!

PMSL - it's grim up north hahaha! :lol:
bins havent been emptied either cos the lorry still cant get down our street due to the inconsiderate dumping of cars

Same problem here, collections suspended, some bins collected others left uncollected. Get a few youfs off the street to do the job if those paid to do so don't want to.

Trailed round every hardware and diy store in the area trying to buy a spade. Decided to try and clear the paths, not a digging implement to be found (our last one broke when replacing the fence after the fecking winds!).

Central heating on full whack night and day just to keep the ice off the inside of the windows!

Not seen a single gritter for many days yet the roads are deadly in places.

moan over:lol::lol::lol:
Get a few youfs off the street to do the job if those paid to do so don't want to.

8) Hubby said that last night when we were watching the news.

It's OK in the Midlands. Freezing temps but we've not had much snow.

Friday night we had the most awesome snow storm for about 45 mins and it put about an inch down. Then 3 hours later it rained and washed it all away :confused:
Very true (apart from my moaning that is).

What spectacular have you got organised for your Xmas bash this year pups?

Very unspectacular this year as it happens, I did a straw poll on what the staff really wanted after such a crap financial year for the company. They werent bothered about theming and dressing the room and organising OTT entertainment - they wanted less formal and a free bar - so that's what they have got, so we have booked a museum as a venue - 4 course meal, and dj and I have put all the money I would normally spend on theming on gifts and free bar - basically its going to be carnage this year but its what the staff want this year so .....
Very unspectacular this year as it happens, I did a straw poll on what the staff really wanted after such a crap financial year for the company. They werent bothered about theming and dressing the room and organising OTT entertainment - they wanted less formal and a free bar - so that's what they have got, so we have booked a museum as a venue - 4 course meal, and dj and I have put all the money I would normally spend on theming on gifts and free bar - basically its going to be carnage this year but its what the staff want this year so .....

Look forward to reports from this 'do'......:lol::lol::lol:

Very unspectacular this year as it happens, I did a straw poll on what the staff really wanted after such a crap financial year for the company. They werent bothered about theming and dressing the room and organising OTT entertainment - they wanted less formal and a free bar - so that's what they have got, so we have booked a museum as a venue - 4 course meal, and dj and I have put all the money I would normally spend on theming on gifts and free bar - basically its going to be carnage this year but its what the staff want this year so .....

Sounds like a good fun! :lol:
Hancock Museum - Its looking great now its been done out AND I have managed to negotiate free use of the Planetarium for a few hours - I LOVE Planetariums ...

IF I ever win the lottery - I am having a Planetarium built :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I'll probably have a chill and then sit in their all night - awesome man!!!8)