Brrrr - Cold snap until Christmas!!

I love the fact that it's like groundhog day - we are equally unprepared each time it happens, even when it's been predicted. I played football on a five-a-side pitch that had loads of snow that they could have cleared on it yesterday, exactly same as last year. Reception was full of people arguing with the manager about paying for their pitches, exactly the same as last year. And - the showers were freezing after:evil:
I love the fact that it's like groundhog day - we are equally unprepared each time it happens, even when it's been predicted. I played football on a five-a-side pitch that had loads of snow that they could have cleared on it yesterday, exactly same as last year. Reception was full of people arguing with the manager about paying for their pitches, exactly the same as last year. And - the showers were freezing after:evil:

You just reminded me of everything I don't miss about playing mid winter football:lol::lol:
Reminds me of back home in Washington. Same thing. The whole city crashed to a halt with any significant snow. Past experience and advanced warning forecasts had no bearing on the situation :lol:
You just reminded me of everything I don't miss about playing mid winter football:lol::lol:

Nah, I love it mate! Playing at same place tomorrow night and looking forward to shower club:lol:

Looks like the second Saturday in a row my cup game will be postponed though:cry:. Must try and avoid the pub this week though!
Brrrrr! I love the idea of a snow day but I haven't really got the excuse as I walk to the station and catch the train in. I'd only get out of work if the trains were off.

However I'm getting all grown up now as I can see how much it's crippling our business at the moment. It's mean to be our peak but we've had to hold thousands of parcels here in the Midlands Hub as we can't get them out to affected areas to the delivery depots. If it carries on I'm not sure what the repurcussions will be - apart from me taking a lot more complaint calls as per my other post :lol:
Looks like the second Saturday in a row my cup game will be postponed though:cry:.Must try and avoid the pub this week though!

Go skiing or sledging !!

I hear there is a Christmas fete type thing on in hyde park this weekend, christmas market, ice skating that sort of thing. Might be worth popping down to !!
Go skiing or sledging !!

I hear there is a Christmas fete type thing on in hyde park this weekend, christmas market, ice skating that sort of thing. Might be worth popping down to !!

Very little snow near me so no larks of that variety. Pitches are all frozen.

Ah, Winter Wonderland - c'est possible....
Ah, Winter Wonderland - c'est possible....

It looks great, and with the cold temperatures it will be even better.

2 planks bad. 1 plank good.

Snowboarding is cooler than skiing. Fact.

Sorry have to disagree. I dont do either, I blade. I can ski very well but turned to blading a few years ago as its much easier and lazier, and more fun (and you dont have to lug poles and big skis around).

And dont get me started on boarders :twisted:
made it to work this morning - over an hour to come 4 miles - got here and the office is empty :lol::lol::lol::lol:

BUT on the plus side its WARM here - unlike my house which is currently getting a new boiler fitted - I am staying here til I have a fully functioning central heating system so I can have a bath that doesnt consist of boiling pans of water and kettles LOL

Thank god the engineer managed to get to ours this morning :D

mind you - that's all the christmas money gone down the swanny :x Grrrrr!!
And dont get me started on boarders :twisted:

:lol: I wondered if anyone would bite!

I don't buy into the skiiers vs. snowboarders argument. I've come across as many cnuts on snowboards as I have on skis the only difference being idiot snowboarders tend to be British teenagers and idiot skiiers seem to be middle aged Europeans :spank: :lol:
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:lol: I wondered if anyone would bite!

I don't buy into the skiiers vs. snowboarders argument. I've come across as many cnuts on snowboards as I have on skis the only difference being idiot snowboarders tend to be British teenagers and idiot skiiers seem to be middle aged Europeans :spank: :lol:

I snowboard more these days, but it seems most people I know are back to skiing. And, some of the people I know who snowboard are in their 50s and 60s.

Back to the snow...I find it highly amusing with all these 'snow' days, when there really isn't that much snow, nor are the temperatures that low. At the school (this is a city wide rule)I work at we can only keep children indoors if the temperature gets below minus 30. Minus 28.. out they go! They still have to school!

(Although I do realise that we are more used to having horrible winters with winter tires, sanding the roads etc!)

But I don't understand why people still drive the same way they do when there's no ice/snow on the road!
I snowboard more these days, but it seems most people I know are back to skiing. And, some of the people I know who snowboard are in their 50s and 60s.

Back to the snow...I find it highly amusing with all these 'snow' days, when there really isn't that much snow, nor are the temperatures that low. At the school (this is a city wide rule)I work at we can only keep children indoors if the temperature gets below minus 30. Minus 28.. out they go! They still have to school!

(Although I do realise that we are more used to having horrible winters with winter tires, sanding the roads etc!)

But I don't understand why people still drive the same way they do when there's no ice/snow on the road!

I think we need some Canadian advice over here to stop the country falling apart when we get some flakes of snow! :lol:
My boys school closed again for the 2nd day. Quite frustrating as it is a village school, furthest parents probably have a mile to travel, all main roads clear.

Was fun yesterday, my back is in pieces though after a few hours on the sledging slopes :lol::lol::lol: I remember the day when I would have been out there in the snow from sun up to sun down without so much as a change of socks:lol::lol:
I think we need some Canadian advice over here to stop the country falling apart when we get some flakes of snow! :lol:

Haha! I forgot to mention , keeping the children in, this is only at recess/ playtime. We still have to go to work in minus 40...bleh!
Frost on the cars here in Eastern Spain. Thats about all we get, thought there is decent snow/skiing conditions just 2 hours away in Teruel 8)
Frost on the cars here in Eastern Spain. Thats about all we get, thought there is decent snow/skiing conditions just 2 hours away in Teruel 8)

We stayed in apartments in Cala Llonga a couple of years back. In the office was a photograph of the female manageress stood on Cala Llong beach wrapped to the nines in several inches of snow:D:D
-13 this morning when I set off for work - I had to scrape the ice off the INSIDE of the car windows - as my breath was freezing on them.......... :eek:

got the car stuck on a residential side street - and had to be pushed up the street by 5 students (I was quite surprised they were up at that time to be honest - :lol::lol::lol: but glad they were!!!! I would still be there now, wheels spinning and spinning til I melted the 3" of sold ice on the road and got some traction!) :oops: