Brrrr - Cold snap until Christmas!!

This weather is a real let down at the moment. Three inches here in Leeds and clear skies at the moment:cry::cry::cry:

I thought we were set fair for a few feet of the stuff, messing about with the odd inch is no good at all.

Come on, get on with it, mother nature.......
Stop your whining. -16 C here every day this week... and that's the high temp. :evil:

Had been a nice autumn up until the weekend. Even some record high temperatures in November (granted, the records were only around 10 C)

Supposed to warm up to the 0 to -3 C range next week. Yay.

I'm glad the snow we had last weekend was just a light dusting.
Stop your whining. -16 C here every day this week... and that's the high temp. :evil:

This weather is a real let down at the moment. Three inches here in Leeds and clear skies at the moment:cry::cry::cry:

I thought we were set fair for a few feet of the stuff, messing about with the odd inch is no good at all.

Come on, get on with it, mother nature.......

I agree. If it doesn't result in a day off work, then there is really no point to snow.
Haha, I also reckon the Art Galleries must have the best central heating in Moscow if Morbs weekend reports are anything to go by.:lol:
One needs a bit of culture to warm the heart :idea:

(this, before going out and drinking enough alcohol to numb both the cold and one's tortured soul :lol:)
Thundersnow again here today - finally managed to get the car out the back lane at lunchtime - pretty :eek: experience....

Desperate to get to work tomorrow - i am going crazy working from home :confused:
Thundersnow again here today - finally managed to get the car out the back lane at lunchtime - pretty :eek: experience....

Desperate to get to work tomorrow - i am going crazy working from home :confused:

The missus took my car today as she's been stranded at home with the little uns and I got the Metro followed by a half hour walk through the snow. :evil:

It's wild in the North east at the mo!

And WTF is all that weird pink lightning /thunder? It sounded like a plane crash? Really strange. :eek:
Had one crack last night. I jumped out of bed waited at the window for ten minutes freezing my nuts off and never saw another thing:spank:

Is it like a proper thunderstorm and snow for a period of time or just the odd crack?

its just weird as hell - the lightening is soo bright through the snow clouds but the thunder just seems to go on and on for ages as its bouncing - quite spooky but also very exciting :)
Jeez, 24 hours is a long time in a snowy winter!!!

We now have the worst snow I can ever remember:lol::lol::lol: Still no proper thundersnow:x

I may have been a touch hasty in my op, I am supposed to be in London on a xmas do on sat, East coast mainline services are in tatters:(:(:(

How do other countries cope so much better with snowfall? It seems like we need to be getting ready for more of the same in the uk!!