Bored? Try this.....


Bet you didn't think you'd be on the wrong side of the law when you started this quiz? Thought you were sweet and innocent? Well maybe you should swot up on the law. Otherwise you never know when you might get a knock on the door…

Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*:

Years in prison: 2 Potential fine: £9500

Ho hum, ah well, Mr goody two shoes :rolleyes:
"Anjali, as always, breaks the mold"

Thanks! My fellow Americans haven't embraced their evilness. I hope to help them one day. Small steps my friend. When you manipulate and try to turn the good to evil, they must not know you are doing it. Small suggestions here and there...

Remember, you and I were also Satan and Caiaphas respectively.
Morbyd said:
But I'm totally blown away by the innocence of my fellow Americans... PG, Bri, Laguna - were you all raised in a convent?!!

And I even put yes for "have you ever been aroused in public" :lol: :lol:

I was hoping to bump my score up a lil ;)
But I'm totally blown away by the innocence of my fellow Americans... PG, Bri, Laguna - were you all raised in a convent?!!

I couldn't tell you why I am so good, you will have to ask my parents for that one ;)
Mine too. My parents were the last people to teach or put up with bullshyt lol. Ah well... when the next American-bashing session arises on the board (which I am sure will be any minute now :lol: ) we can bring up this thread! :p
HMMM...I find that a bit unfair. I had fabulous parents. While I had a lot of dysfunction (probably just as much as anyone, it just manifested itself differently). My father didn't put up with ANYTHING. All he had to do (and still do...) is look at me in that way and I crumble. My mom did anything and everything she could to get us whatever we wanted, when most of the time it wasn't financially possible. I was spoiled by her actually.

So while I might have gotten a CROOKED, I don't think it has anything to do with my parents...BUT because my mind is constantly cooking up you well know, Sara. :twisted: :D :twisted: :D
Which might have been your parents fault??? ;)

I ain't bashing the good...they are so much fun to dirty up. :p AND SARA IS WORSE THAN ME IN THIS AREA!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :lol: :twisted:

You know it girl, you taught ME some bad things! How come I am always getting SATAN, and CROOKED (not to say I don't enjoy it...)
Anjali said:
I ain't bashing the good...they are so much fun to dirty up. :p AND SARA IS WORSE THAN ME IN THIS AREA!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :lol: :twisted:

You know it girl, you taught ME some bad things!

LOL Who, ME? LOL, nah seriously... what "bad things" did I teach you??? I gotta hear this lol. You mean, the influence I had with turning you from goth chick to gorgeous glamour girl? Or what.... I am racking my brain...

Ahem, who had "just a little" say in turning me to the DARK SIDE :eek: ??? Hahahaha. Us at The Bitter End... me trippin' hard with our ID's in hand..."What are these... what are they for?" :eek: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Like I said, I harbor no guilt for showing you the dark side. Which probably is the reason I score so high on the evil scale. Because I LIKE IT. :lol: :lol: :lol:

My fave memory of rollin was me at the bar, cash in hand, going "What am I supposed to do with this stuff?" I was so clear about my destination before I went...two seconds and much seratonin-release later, I am likening myself to a helium-filled balloon floating up to the ceiling. You got to love that feeling...

Which just makes me crave it again...I am going to send you this funny picture of me rollin at "How Sweet It Is." Lemme find it...
Too bad The Diva has most of my rollin' pics lol. Although check this one... I'm at the lower left corner, philosophizing and telling perfect strangers my dreams and goals in life lolololol. This was at a Brazilian house party last December or so


Anjali, still waiting to hear all the bad things I taught you!!!

Did you get mine? I don't know how to post pictures.
Ok I am still laughing imagining you telling strangers your dreams. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. That is classic $hit.

In my pic, I have clenched teeth, BIG BIG eyes, the necessary pack of cigs, and my ass firmly planted on the ground because I could not move. Ain't it great?
LOL sure was Nitey... also wondering what the hell my hair is doing... nice bouffant lol. Funniest part... the people I am talking to there probably have no clue what I am saying... I probably didn't even realize they didn't speak English lol. I was one of maybe five Americans at the party.

I also remember still being up at 8 in the morning watching a documentary about schooling fish on Discovery Channel lol. My roommate was getting ready for work and I was droning on about the fascination I had with how they bind themselves together to fight off predators. I was all tearing up and overwhelmed with appreciation for the miracles of nature lol.
Here's our girl Anjali on da left lolololol

CLASSIC. I so badly want to start a "Post a Pic of your Worst Rollin' face" thread, but we're probably already on our way to deletion after all of this lol.

Sorry for hijacking the thread kitten lol