I must be the only person that didn't enjoy Bora Bora.
Myself and my girlfriend were down there last week (can't remember day) at about 5 in the afternoon. It was absolutely rammed (packed), which was good.
However it was a little intimidating, on the one hand there were at least 20 Guardia Civil there (i've never seen that quantity police anywhere on the Island, even in the West End at night), the rest of the crowd seemed to be made up of posers with the exception of the bar staff who appeared to have gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson and were as friendly as an angry bulldog chewing a wasp.
I do acknowledge that there was a carnival spirit, however there seemed to be something wrong that I couldn't put my finger on, neither myself or my girlfriend felt safe. And that is incredibly unusual for me.
It might have just been the day I went, it wont stop me from giving it another go. However, at the moment it gets a major thumbs down from me.