No product is going to make the flab vanish my man... you need to do enough cardio to get into your fat burning zone. This is when your body has used up all the carbs for energy and resorts to using the fat in your body for energy.
IMO the best way to do this is HIIT (High intensity interval training) goes like this. 5 min warm up at about 60% of your full rate. After your warm up it starts to get hard... you should have worked up enough of a sweat to start entering your fat burning zone by this stage. go 30secs on 1min off and repeat 8-10 times. What this means is you really need to bust your ass for thos 30secs, I mean go at 150% and then bring it right down to a slow jog for a minute and then go again.
At the end, go at 60% for 5mins for you cool down. the whole workout shouldn't last more than 30mins.
If you've done it properly, you shouldn't be able to walk afterwards due to the fact that your completely knackered and the sweat will be flying out of you.
I do weights (high reps low weight) three times a week and then do HIIT the days im not lifting (6 days in all) rest on sundays although I have to admit, ive starting taking fridays off now as well. When I am doing weights I do them for fitness rather than to bulk up.
You should never be working out for more than 45 minutes a day IMO... personally I dont have the time, so I prefer to go in and bust my ass for a hour than spend two hours twating about. Get in there, get a sweat on and you'll see results.
If you starting a new programme, give it at least two weeks beofre you see any results. Your body needs time to adjust to the new workout and diet, so after it gets used to it, you def start to see things tighten up and clothes being loose... be patient.
Right thats my rant over... hope this helps
PS: Can you tell I worked in a gym for four years? haha