Bloc 2012 (London)

Checked the site out last weekend - it's looking good. 8)

It's licensed to run music events for the next three years apparently. 8)
apparently a few mates from my old work have set up a fund , bob geldoff style to get me a ticket :) we'll see

Will be ace if they do - straight to the WU boat and don't spare the horses ! .... still your last chance to make the 7.35am tomorrow to u know where .. if you get a bus to mine I'll drive you to the airport in the morning :lol:
Chaos down there apparently. Some reports saying the police shut it down, massive queues to get into any stage etc. Some saying a tent company went bust and didn't show, others saying it was just oversold.....
So 6.5hrs on the train down from Edinburgh due to flooding , 1.5hr in q at bloc, got in 8.15. No chance if seeing nicolas jarr (never got in the resident advisor or Stubnitz boat )
Seen a bit of midland & appleblim in carrhart dome, went into catch Amon Tobin, turned out he'd started 30mins caught last 20mins...seen all of DOOM and the just waited for snoop, rumours of riots outside / event getting cancelled , evebtuslly announced technical problem with the main area & that it was getting closed / snoop not playing (snoops bands equipment was on stage , and his stage backdrop was up (this would've been about 12:30...came out main area, no chance getting on to the boat or resident advisor due to the q's.

Police by this point had formed a cordon splitting the main area/RA stage from the main entrance /cloakrooms & carrhart dome stage...we got back to the cloakroom (picking up my bloc tshirt id bought earlier :)lol & hooded top...waited about for ages , couldn't get into carrhart gave up and then waited for the buses they'd put on to take people into Liverpool st there about 3:30...didn't really know what do then do just ended up going to Fabric for the bass/drum n bass back to hotel about 7.

Long day, and obviously really disappointed that Bloc didn't turn out the way everyone hoped, will just need to see If a full refund actually does happen (I have my doubts)

Need to see what's on in London tonight before back to Scotland tomorrow (any recommendations for tonight most welcome as we don't know London clubbing too well)
Just back into hotel, had really good night, went to see Clive Henry play at basement (excellent ) then went to jaded @ cable...had to wait 2hrs to get into cable!!! Just as well the banter was good in the q! a total scam with the so called free before 6am wristbands, club itself was alright, nothing special .

Did hear that both Ben sims & hawtin played on the Stubnitz boat at bloc before it got shut on Friday to further compound the night !
Sounds like you had a bit of a nightmare! Good for you to be even remotely chipper about the whole thing.

All you need now is a rail replacement bus service to polish the weekend off!
Sounds like you had a bit of a nightmare! Good for you to be even remotely chipper about the whole thing.

All you need now is a rail replacement bus service to polish the weekend off!

i was strangely still in good spirits on friday night after bloc got shut (and the wait to get on the buses back into town...worse things happen at sea:lol:..although one policeman was getting on my neveres moaning about his night...try getting up at 6, sitting on the train for hours, paying a lot of cash and then being asked to leave the event without seeing who'd you came to see!!...the copper was getting paid to stand about!!...could've been worse, we only came down from scotland, was talking to people who'#d travelled from australia, sweden, spain, france, ireland etc...

had a really good nigth on saturday so london trip not entirely wasted, might end up getting our money back from bloc (i did at least see a couple thigns and was in the actual event not like other not all doom and gloom. (i did actualy find the area pretty cool (controversial i know) was very berlin, very bar25 imho....just too many people and badly laid out (shangri-la who apparently designed it, not really fit for purpose im afraid.

just stayed up on the saturday night and got the train back at 2, probably should've just stayed in Cable til it shut, but had to check out hotel at 12.

off to germany on thursday for MELT!...fingers crossed that goes a bit smoother than Bloc
Trying very hard to feel sorry for him but failing on a dramatic scale.

Naw come on - it's only the sympathy that's getting me (she not he) through! Used up the money I had saved for my one trip back to London only to wait in lines all weekend. Couldn't even get into any of the Bloc parties organised around London on Saturday. Everything we tried to get to had huge lines - and it was pouring with rain! Now it looks as though no refund will happen...

If anyone makes any progress with the refunds, gis a shout!