Bin Laden....Shoot to Kill

Just looking at the pic on that link. Did the guys who went in to kill Bin Laden really wear cowboy hats? Would be amazing if they did. Bet they were smoking cigars and shouting ''yeeeeehaaaaaa'' aswell.
No no no. That's not how we roll.

But I bet this music was blaring in the background:

Turned on Kiss this morning and heard about new york etc being on high security alert :spank:

DO NOT LIKE THIS :evil: esp when my man is in Afghan :evil:

F**k Al Queda :evil:
I havent watched this yet - but I have watched the other docs over the past few days - watched the Firemen's Story last week and sat with tears running down my face for the entire 70 mins and last night watched the Emergency Room doc and just sat stunned.

We lost 12 members of staff in that horror from our place and my mate was booked on to flight 77 that crashed into the Pentagon (her husband works there) but he had his meetings cancelled so they decided to stay home that day - I still cant quite believe how lucky they were... :eek:

When I see the footage its still looks like a Hollywood Blockbuster disaster movie - I still cant quite comprehend just how horrific it must have been for weeks and weeks afterwards......
Cannot believe its been 10 years :eek: where the hell has that time gone.

It just sickens me watching it and i will never get used to how horrific the attack was.

The programmes of late have been very touching, jst horrible to know you never know what could happen and the fact that Al Queda will probably always exist :rolleyes: :(
10 years and we all still under threat here in the USA. We were sold a bill of good to invade Iraq. 9/11 was the only day in my military career I remember when no one had a joke or wise crack about the tragedy. I walked in to look at TV just as the second plane crashed into the towers, I thought it was a replay. I was just shocked. Terror level is up for this weekend.