Active Member
I LOVE conspiracy theories - you can come round to mine anytime, drink t and smoke herbal tabs and chat away!!!!!!!!
Sounds Great 8)
Can you honestly say that it is 100% an accident
Do a search for American airways flight 587. It crashed 2 months to the day after 911, in The New york city district of Queens, over 250 people died, yet because it was so close to 911, it was forgotten about (brushed under the carpet)instantly. Do you remember it ? They said it was turbulence for the plane that took of before it, yet it was already 5 mile away !! They could never admit it at the time as it would have ruined the airline/travel business, and it would have been very embarrasing for the government. And now this happens just before Obamas sworn in
2 Planes just taken off from a NY airport fully laden with fuel crash in New York city. Too much of a coincidence for me !!!!!!!
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