Beer boys?

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I think this post escalated because all of us on here who do like ibiza for all it is, including the west end, are not beer boys and just want to clarify that being british does not put you into that category.

I simply cant afford those big clubs with their hefty entrance prices and yes, sometimes the west end will just have to do for me, its not a bad place and I have had some great nights there. I have never seen any fighting and have not witnessed anyone puke, the drinks have been affordable and I have danced my ass off. I dont want to do it every night, its pointless, but it can be good fun.

The likes of the "beer boys" are a select group of lads, typically british although not exclusively, who will go from one island in the med to another looking for the best place to get a shag and endorse their football team, all for under a tenner.
Buckley said:
Jack Striker said:
Please live and let live. If you do not like the West End do not slag it off, just do not come, easy as that!!

Also, some of the people in there are very young - perhaps some of them come to Ibiza get pissed in the West End, discover Mambo et al, have a chat with some people there and get told about the amazing clubs elsewhere on the island.

I came to Ibiza a beer boy when I was 18 and left a clubber. Never looked back 8)
Jack Striker said:
As I have 2 bars in the West End I would just like to say that not everyone who comes is a Beer Boy/Girl. Yes the West End is not the best part of Ibiza but every major European tourist destination has a part like this. (ie Veronicas/Starco-Las Americas Tenerife, Kavos-Corfu, Falaraki-Rhodes and Magaluf-Mallorca). Over the years I have met some great people in my bars and others around the West End.

I think we forget that not everyone has the income to got to the big clubs or to drink down Mambo's/Cafe Del Mar. Even some of the "Clubbers" cannot afford it, as on many occasions people sit outside with a bag full of beers from the SYP supermarket!

Also the average 16-22 year cannot afford the latest Gucci outfit and may have to dress from Top Man/New Look or from the high street.

Every night of the summer in the West End is like any major city centre on a Saturday night but multiplied by 20. Just think for some people it is their first time anywhere without parental control. For the first time they can do what they like as there isn't anyone there to judge them. Now think back to Saturday night where you live and I am sure in local pubs and clubs you will see at least one fight and one person throwing their gutts up.

Now in an ideal world we would all own bars like Mambo'/Savannahs with prices to match but this is not the case. All the bar owners would like to tidy up the image of the West End but if any of you know, dealing with the local Spanish authoritys is a long and slow process.

Also think back, I am sure we have all got out of control (Drink/Drugs) on more than one occasion .

Yes from time to time we have to deal with complete idiots who fight and vandalise the bars but that is the nature of the business we are in. Once again in an ideal world I would not like to have to give 2 drinks for the price of one/free shots but this is the way things have gone.

Do not forget that with out the San Antonio clientel some of the the big clubs would not operate ie Eden and Es Paradis.

Please live and let live. If you do not like the West End do not slag it off, just do not come, easy as that!!

Sorry for the rant but just wanted to say my bit.

Agree with everything jack said.

me for example ive been to ibiza 3 times and the very first moment i landed fell in love with the place.

i love everything to do with the place including the westend my typical evening would be to watch the sunset (and nearly cry brings a tear to my eye everytime ) then bk to apartment (mar y vent ) get changed have some drinks then head to the westend.

i like to have more than a few drinks and get drunk before i go to a big club !! so i will go to the westend its not that bad all these photos and comments about the westend are extremes yes people sing football sobgs yes people wear ben sherman good luck to them.

how can you tell that vbecause somebody wheres a ben sherman shirt they dnt love the island as much as you and me thats like looking at a black man and saying he a thief .

what im trying to say is i love the westend i love the hustle and bustle and the buzz of it it has a wicked atmosphere you know places like strikers bar sgt peppers gorms garage put you in the party mood there is something for everybody in the westend !!!

leave ther wetsend hammered at say 2 or 3 then go to a club means you dnt have to buy a drink in the club wich saves you a serious amount of cash !! and you wont get ripped of by the club owners paying 8 euros for a bottle of beer .

**sorry people rant over but this stuck up discriminative attitude really winds me up sometimes **
the lager louts and the beer boys are there because its cheap. but they form a tiny percentage of the brit population there, and if you venture outside of the west end area you'll find the rest of us. most of the brits there are fully decent people who love the music and very much respect the island and its residents. its a shame that those clowns bring our name to such shame. but saying that, the west end can be good too in early & late season when its quiet, just chat to the workers there, all good and decent brits.

i had a few american buddies over there last summer, and we concluded that there definitely aren't enough of our cross atlantic cousins there, although you can have p diddy back! my mate actually swap up to his boat once, where he climbed up, had a look, and then promptly told to f*ck! lol
good point. i've had many good nights at the west, the atmosphere is electric in high season, and as long as you stay away from all the lager lout hotspots, then you're fine.

the sunsets are trully magical, its the one place in the world i think that i feel completely naturally happy, better than any drug, when you see a beautiful sunset, with amazing people around you and the warm ibiza summer air, its unreal.
I don't see what people's problem is with the west end.

If you don't like it, don't go there there's no reason to go there if you don't want to, except you have to walk past it if you want to go to the 'sunset strip'.

If the beer boys want to go there and get smashed, thats their choice at least the west end keeps them in one area, rather than letting them spill out into better clubs like Space.
people having fun o beer boys

what do you expect, all we do for are weekends in the uk is go out and try to have a good time. i e get drunk

i drink lot and loving clubbing but i would not say i am a beer boy.

i have been to ibiza 7 times in as many years. i like the diversity of people you get in ibiza.
i can say i have never worn a ben sherman in ibiza and i have never owned one.

some people don't like the beer boys but then some people don't like the spaced out people you find in clubs.

i guess it each to their own, i ahve always found that every one can get along any way....... long life ibiza....20004 ;)
I'm from the UK and am glad that the westend is there, So all the wankers go there, have to much to drink maybe make it to Eden for 2 hours. Then its game over, Leaving the rest of Ibiza for us to full scale in