Beer boys?

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I am also British and I like to go different places, see different things. I do like to visit the West End, its like a peep-show, I get to watch people I hate and in a strange way I find its fun. But only for a couple of hours and I have to get out of there
alex311279 said:
its a term used generally by british clubbers to describe lager lout types.

so on here it means the type of british tourist that will frequent the bars of the west end of san antonio, drinking as much as they can, fighting each other, singing football chants and trying to mate with "beer girls."

they can be spotted by their suprisingly smart clothing whilst out on the piss; usually a ben sherman shirt, smart jeans/trousers and shoes, usually rockport boots. this is topped of by sovereign rings and/or large gold chains.

Great description, its just that u forgot to mention they usually throw up all they drank and then they go back again to drinking...

P.S: Fact is there are more cool brits on the island than the uncool ones u've described above!
Not all the British want to drink in the hotel bar all day and fall asleep in a pool of their own sick at 11pm!

Oh i not sayin they all do...i was just describin what the beer boys do. I met sooo many kool brits over there last time it wasnt even funny. I remember sittin outside of pacha after the release urself party wif some dude from london for about an hr just shootin the shit. Like i said, the beer boys tend to be located in San An and west end...and even the beer boys R'nt THAT bad if u talk to them, but thats maybe cuz we were talkin to them BEFORE they got SLOSHED...heh. No one is sayin ALL brits r beer boyz...i was just meerly askin if the beer boyz know how lucky they r, and why they dont take advantage of their situation. I mean, if i got to go to ibiza EVERY summer i would be in heaven.

i am actually british myself and its true not all brits are like this only a small ugly majority and the majority of them arent that bad, they do what they do, unfortunatley there is a worse minority like and its them that really make embarressed to be british when i am abroad, the majority of these ppl and their are just funny/extrememly bizzare


look at these boys, they must be roasting hot looking at how bright it is but they know without the black jeans /shirt combo on they have little chance of pulling and even worse the beer might not work

As I have 2 bars in the West End I would just like to say that not everyone who comes is a Beer Boy/Girl. Yes the West End is not the best part of Ibiza but every major European tourist destination has a part like this. (ie Veronicas/Starco-Las Americas Tenerife, Kavos-Corfu, Falaraki-Rhodes and Magaluf-Mallorca). Over the years I have met some great people in my bars and others around the West End.

I think we forget that not everyone has the income to got to the big clubs or to drink down Mambo's/Cafe Del Mar. Even some of the "Clubbers" cannot afford it, as on many occasions people sit outside with a bag full of beers from the SYP supermarket!

Also the average 16-22 year cannot afford the latest Gucci outfit and may have to dress from Top Man/New Look or from the high street.

Every night of the summer in the West End is like any major city centre on a Saturday night but multiplied by 20. Just think for some people it is their first time anywhere without parental control. For the first time they can do what they like as there isn't anyone there to judge them. Now think back to Saturday night where you live and I am sure in local pubs and clubs you will see at least one fight and one person throwing their gutts up.

Now in an ideal world we would all own bars like Mambo'/Savannahs with prices to match but this is not the case. All the bar owners would like to tidy up the image of the West End but if any of you know, dealing with the local Spanish authoritys is a long and slow process.

Also think back, I am sure we have all got out of control (Drink/Drugs) on more than one occasion .

Yes from time to time we have to deal with complete idiots who fight and vandalise the bars but that is the nature of the business we are in. Once again in an ideal world I would not like to have to give 2 drinks for the price of one/free shots but this is the way things have gone.

Do not forget that with out the San Antonio clientel some of the the big clubs would not operate ie Eden and Es Paradis.

Please live and let live. If you do not like the West End do not slag it off, just do not come, easy as that!!

Sorry for the rant but just wanted to say my bit.
i think that's fare enough.

ibiza is big enough for everybody. i rarely go to the west end and i rarely go to 'clubber's' bars. but it would indeed be foolish of me to criticise anyone who did for their choice of venue and clothing - isn't this what i keep hearing that ibiza is all about - tolerance?
I agree :!: :!:

U get groups of lads who r pissheads and just go on hol for beer beer n more beer. PS. Not forgettin girls!! he he.

Then u get groups of lads who go 4 the music, clubs, etc who r not that arsed whether they end up pissd each ngt/morn or not :lol: :lol:
When we first went a few years ago, there was quite a big group of us. Some of them werent into clubbing,and simply couldnt afford it, so spent their money in the west end, and drink watching the sunset.

The rest of us who do go clubbing would drink with them first for a bit, then head to the clubs later.

Therefore, two slightly different groups of people had a good holiday....
I couldnt agree more. I dont really like going to the west end as its not my scene but thats just me and obviously everyone has different taste and comes from different walks of life. I think that is a good thing as this is all part of the variety Ibiza has to offer.........IMO :D :D
Thats what I like about Ibiza - u get all diff kinds of people goin there n all diff ages. When Ive been to other places on hol - it seems b just beer boys n girls.

there are plenty in Tenerife as well. Oh lord, I remember going on vacation with my parents a few years ago in the xmas holiday season, and their socalled ministry of sound was filled with lager louts and the DJ played 2 tracks the entire night, Angelic and Faithless, so I had to go up there and tell him he might wanna add a little spice to his "set" haha!
just to remind everyone, that the origin of this post was to find out what beer boys were and what they do. Thats all. I think ppl were just giving a description of what they're all about thats all. No one is slaggin on them, i DONT remember reading one post that says "aww god i wish beer boys would all die, and i wish ibiza would just ban them"...NO!! Ibiza gets a very diverse crowd, from ur super G funk dudes in eivissa town to ur beer boys in the west end...thats what i luv about Ibiza. Personally, i myself have had very positive experiences wif a lot of "beer boys"...i remember having dinner in the westend one night...we had our Canada flags on us cuz it was Canada day...and a huge pack of drunk welshmen came by and just starting singing O' Canada wif us...IT WAS AMAZING!!! Prob one of the koolest things that we experienced on the island. And i also wont forget the talks we had wif a lot of them while eating breakfast at the Florencio since they were coming home from the west end round the same time we were coming from Pacha or whatnot...FUN TIMES :lol: So i totally agree wif the points made by Jack STriker...and i guess if some ppl DONT like beer boys...i guess they should just try and avoid the westend...but i think EVERYONE should see it at least once for the experience...its UNFORGETTABLE, sometimes for positive reasons sometimes for negative ones...heh

str8 from Canada baby!! said:
just to remind everyone, that the origin of this post was to find out what beer boys were and what they do. Thats all. I think ppl were just giving a description of what they're all about thats all. No one is slaggin on them, i DONT remember reading one post that says "aww god i wish beer boys would all die, and i wish ibiza would just ban them"...NO!! Ibiza gets a very diverse crowd, from ur super G funk dudes in eivissa town to ur beer boys in the west end...thats what i luv about Ibiza. Personally, i myself have had very positive experiences wif a lot of "beer boys"...i remember having dinner in the westend one night...we had our Canada flags on us cuz it was Canada day...and a huge pack of drunk welshmen came by and just starting singing O' Canada wif us...IT WAS AMAZING!!! Prob one of the koolest things that we experienced on the island. And i also wont forget the talks we had wif a lot of them while eating breakfast at the Florencio since they were coming home from the west end round the same time we were coming from Pacha or whatnot...FUN TIMES :lol: So i totally agree wif the points made by Jack STriker...and i guess if some ppl DONT like beer boys...i guess they should just try and avoid the westend...but i think EVERYONE should see it at least once for the experience...its UNFORGETTABLE, sometimes for positive reasons sometimes for negative ones...heh



Good points well made buddy.
i like my drink when im in ibiza, but i also like my clubbin!

i wear football shirts through the day because i like my football and they are the most comfortable thing to wear in the heat IMO.

I burn like a mothafker so like to cover up occasionally!
truebluelad said:
i wear football shirts through the day because i like my football and they are the most comfortable thing to wear in the heat IMO.

Surely it must be sweltering in a football strip during the day. :?
Jack Striker said:
Please live and let live. If you do not like the West End do not slag it off, just do not come, easy as that!!

While I am not a 'beer boy' and do not frequent the West End, I think there's a fair point here. I think the real problem is that the media has presented the West End at its worst as Ibiza and the rest of us resent it for that. Take out of the equation and what harm does it do?

Is getting off it on drugs somehow more sophisticated than drinking? Is Barbie a 'wine girl' who should be sneered at for liking alcohol?

I'm not condoning fighting or puking in the streets - but I'm fairly sure that the not all West End punters do that, in the same way that not all footy fans are hooligans.

Also, some of the people in there are very young - perhaps some of them come to Ibiza get pissed in the West End, discover Mambo et al, have a chat with some people there and get told about the amazing clubs elsewhere on the island. Who knows how many swap Burberry for Diesel and Eden for Space when they return a year older and wiser?(Probably not the young style kings in the photos on this thread, admittedly)
K said:
truebluelad said:
i wear football shirts through the day because i like my football and they are the most comfortable thing to wear in the heat IMO.

Surely it must be sweltering in a football strip during the day. :?

just the odd time when i feel a bit burnt!

covering up has to be done sometimes withe the old fair skin!

factor 25 loyal!