Barack Obama

Uh, I've had friends from Iraq. One was even a roomate when I lived in your neck of the woods, Scribs. None were, as far as I could tell, mentally impaired.

But if you mean to say that invading Iraq was an ill-advised, or at least ill-planned, and expensive foreign policy decision that took money and attention from other more pressing issues, then you've got a point.

Maybe i went to far in labeling all iraqis retards.Its just a long overdrawn subject thats aggravating to talk about.
by the way, anyone who hasn't seen barack's website, then please go look. the website is as articulate as he is. it clearly sets out his policies, opinions, feelings, ambitions broken down into states, target audience, issue.

yes we can! sí se puede!!:D

If i posted that about david cameron, you'd all be ripping the pi$$.
Close! Anyone want to buy some hanging chads?

I just downloaded the HBO movie "Recount". Looking forward to reliving the whole Florida debacle once again!

I'm registered in Florida now so hopefully I can help avoid a repeat of 2000 by contributing to a healthy Obama margin!
And to think we could all have this if we didnt spend so much money in the overseas dust pit of a nation IRAQ and spent money on other important things like health care!!Where up to over 3 trillion! We should of been in and out period.....Iraq is filled with the most retarded poeple in the world.We are fighting a bunch of retards.Has to stop because we are making no progress!!

This is what im talking about!

Very stupid comment regarding Iraqis; glad we have a sound and mature yank as Morbyd on this forum.
Your post is insulting.
Very stupid comment regarding Iraqis; glad we have a sound and mature yank as Morbyd on this forum.
Your post is insulting.

Im not the one who shot this video.And if im not mistaking Morbyd doesnt even live here anymore so how could he be a yank?Nothing against him of course just raising a point!Sorry to insult you but i read how iraqis hate us everday on the internet and on TV but since im American im automatically insulting and and the devil in your eyes for saying we shouldnt be fighting a bunch of retards (meaning insurgents who kill there own poeple not everyone in the whole country).But i suppose the terror groups are not retards and there almighty freedom fighters right? And for poeple who cant even do jumping jacks (who we are trying to train) are really smart as well?I say its time to get our troops home.Pffftt!
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if you've spunked god knows how many billions on a pointless war, isnt that reason enough NOT to vote republican.

i cant wait for November, and im not even american! :lol:
Im not the one who shot this video.And if im not mistaking Morbyd doesnt even live here anymore so how could he be a yank?Nothing against him of course just raising a point!Sorry to insult you but i read how iraqis hate us everday on the internet and on TV but since im American im automatically insulting and and the devil in your eyes for saying we shouldnt be fighting a bunch of retards.i suppose the terror groups are not retards and there almighty freedom fighters right? And for poeple who cant even do jumping jacks (who we are trying to train) are really smart as well?I say its time to get our troops home.Pffftt!

funk me.

Where to start!

What a tool! But were you drunk? I will let you off if you were drunk.

Do you have a passport?! Have you served in the army?
funk me.

Where to start!

What a tool! But were you drunk? I will let you off if you were drunk.

Do you have a passport?! Have you served in the army?

I thought i made myself pretty clear in what i said.Yes i do have a passport and no i have not served in the army.I dont see how that has anything to do with my thoughts of my poeple and family serving in Iraq right now.I can say majority of poeple here feel the same way as i do.You wouldnt know obviously cuz none of you even live here.

But to be more on the subject it really doesnt matter to me who is president he is merely a speaker for the usa.I tell you one thing though being a black president will be difficult.Im just thinking of all the racists who live down south! Obama has a good chance of becoming the next and the first african american president!
Im not the one who shot this video.And if im not mistaking Morbyd doesnt even live here anymore so how could he be a yank?Nothing against him of course just raising a point!Sorry to insult you but i read how iraqis hate us everday on the internet and on TV but since im American im automatically insulting and and the devil in your eyes for saying we shouldnt be fighting a bunch of retards (meaning insurgents who kill there own poeple not everyone in the whole country).But i suppose the terror groups are not retards and there almighty freedom fighters right? And for poeple who cant even do jumping jacks (who we are trying to train) are really smart as well?I say its time to get our troops home.Pffftt!

Wow, you really deserve a medal for such nonsense comments.

But coming from wood and water country; you must have limited access to some objective informations
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Im not the one who shot this video.And if im not mistaking Morbyd doesnt even live here anymore so how could he be a yank?
Are you suggesting that, since I live and work abroad, I am no longer American? Funny... my passport says otherwise! :lol: I come back home every year, I read a ton of press, and I watch the Daily Show & Colbert Report daily... I've got my finger on the pulse :lol:

Sorry to insult you but i read how iraqis hate us everday on the internet and on TV but since im American im automatically insulting and and the devil in your eyes for saying we shouldnt be fighting a bunch of retards (meaning insurgents who kill there own poeple not everyone in the whole country).But i suppose the terror groups are not retards and there almighty freedom fighters right? And for poeple who cant even do jumping jacks (who we are trying to train) are really smart as well?I say its time to get our troops home.Pffftt!
Everyone agrees it's time to bring the troops home.

What's shocking to everyone here is your lack of respect for people from a different culture and country. Travel around a bit, see the world, live abroad and experience different cultures, then you might..... maybe.... be qualified to pass some judgement. (as an aside, it'd make you a better patriot too, because you'll better understand what we've got right in the States and the equal number of things we don't)

Insurgents and others have their own issues, true. But they're not "retards". In this case, they're fighting for control of their own country and to eject an invading force. Their methods are horrible. They are not, in a true sense of the phrase, "freedom fighters". But looking at it objectively, they're also no less "retarded" than those who would support to invade a foreign country on the basis of propaganda and faulty intelligence.

And, by the way, not sure how old you are, but it's generally accepted that "retard" is a word you leave back in elementary school.
Where does the hispanic vote usually go? (Rep or Dem)
i'm guessing there's a high percentage of latinos in florida?
It's hard to call the Latino vote monolithc.

Mexican-Americans tend to vote Democrat but are also somewhat socially conservative. Cuban-Americans tend to be more of a swing group. They can lean Republican (why that party takes a harder line on Cuba). Both groups can swing wither way with the right candidate (Gore in Florida... almost, Big Arnold in California)

Florida has a large Cuban-American population, perhaps one reason why they've had Republican governors for the past decade.
Ive traveled a lil.Been to england 4 times and have friends there.Germany and switzerland as well and i love to party there in Ibiza.No i never lived in another country.I have total respect for different cultures and enjoy traveling very much.Its a lil extreme to say i have no respect for different cultures by calling the poeple we are at war with retards.

So you agree they have issues.Anyone who straps a bomb to themselves and runs into a schoolyard = RETARD in my book.Can understand why the normal poeple there could be sick of us over there so your not wrong in that sense.Not once i ever said i support all the reasons why we are there if thats what you were implying .AGREE with you there is false imformation on news,news papers etc but im sure alot of us are aware of this.

Maybe your right! I should chose my words more wisely seeing the word retard offends so many and many different ways!

So basically we share similiar veiws its just some cant grasp that i used the word retard to describe the type of army we are fighting.:confused:
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Well, the retard comment was one thing. But also the fact that you've passed judgement on these people that you know nothing about. The American press sells you a very simplified version of what's going on in Iraq. That clip you posted says nothing about these people's intellect and ability. One of my best friends, also an American, worked in Iraq for a year (just visited him in Georgia last month, actually) and his stories showed quite a bit of savvy and intellect amongst the people trying to shape that country's future. Problem is, we broke systems that were in place for decades and it's not easy to rebuild them in less than 5 years. That includes our disbanding their professional army and police force, which had been among the most disciplined in the region!

If there's anything to take away from this conversation, it's that your vitriol should be saved for those that got our soldiers into this mess :!:

Edit: just read some of your other points (they were mixed into my quotes) and I think we're closing in on a consensus ;)
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