Bank Holiday Rundowns

Well, not everyone had a bank holiday :rolleyes:

But a fun weekend was had anyway :D

Friday - Got home and made a killer shrimp stir fry with a side dish of take out sushi. Got drawn into watching the Man U - Sunderland game :)lol:) before heading out to the Expocenter which they'd turned into one big crappy rave party. MXtronic and some French DJ whose name escapes me nearly ruined the evening but after their sets Dmitri from Paris came on and rocked :D I was surprised because last time I saw him he was crap but I was well impressed this time. At some point just before dawn an automatic "you're far too wasted" reflex sent me home as opposed to the after hours club where I'd considered going.

Saturday - Got up, went straight to the sports bar for the football, then back home while the missus changed in preparation for her birthday celebration. Met up with a bunch of her friends at a DJ bar/cafe called the Discreet Charm of the Bourgoisie. Good time had by all... many drinks later, off to the club Dyagilev Project for Syke 'n' Sugarstarr who I could swear were playing the same songs we'd heard in Bourgoisie :confused: Took many amusing photos (which I'm not posting) and we ended up at the Real McCoy for a bit of morning carry-on.

Sunday - Got up mid-afternoon and took the missus out to birthday/Easter dinner at Turandot. It has to be one of the most beautiful restaurants I have ever seen anywhere :eek: This place was so expensive to build that it has already been written up in the UK's Financial Times. It's done up like a palace inside with waitors dressed in Louis XIV era costumes (according to the fashion-knowledgeable missus). Service was great. Chinese cuisine (they're building two more halls for French and Russian). Nice relaxed evening in beautiful surroundings.

Monday - Work, but snuck out early to catch the football at the sports bar.
wednesday: went to my friends geli and fer home to have a dinner to talk about Formentera¿ excuse? and have lots of chese and wine. We rented a car in Formentera and talked lots of stupid things. Laugth a lot.
Thursday: My day consisted in going to La colonia de Sant Jordi and went to lots of terrazas, beers, terrazas and paella, and then a walk in a beautifull beach.
Friday. nothing usefull, just watched telly, cooked lunch, garden...
Saturdays: Went to the theater, to see la Cabra the author is Edward Albee. Very good, I loved it, plus Josep Marçia Pou was there, is an actor i like a lot. After we went for dnner.
Sunday: Dinner at Fer and gelis home, again lots of drinks, pasta and Vodka.
Monday: went to Andratx for the cristening of little Pau, the son of my friend Maria Antonia, so nice, saw all my friends and Pau, he is so litle and lovely, I would be with him all day If I could.
Very nice weekend
Buckley said:
Forgot about that. The girl on the door was properly off it. She asked how many of us there were, looked up the street and muttered something unintelligible about dress codes. That was my prompt to spin on my heels - as if you're gonna beg! (Of course I could of 'made it happen' if I'd wanted to!!:lol: :lol: :lol: )

Don called Ben and said "what did you all do, turn up naked?" :lol:
My god I'm boring.. aside from going out for a dance with a friend on Saturday, I just ate with my family..:confused:

I think its time to move..
Thu/Fri/Sat: Caned it..... 2 Parties, 3 pubs, shopping, more shopping, beach, spannered dog walking and games.

Sun: caned it somemore (just to finish it all off and leave nothing more to temptation)

Mon/Tue: recovery...

Money spent on caning: :eek: :eek: :eek: eek!
Tabs smoked: :evil: :spank:
Alcohol drank: :lol: not too bad at all
Brain Cells ruined: not as many as an Ibizan trip but still worrying:confused:

Was it worth it? Hell yeah!!!:lol: :lol: :lol:
Ferd said:
I had to run away from tom at a couple of points so I wouldnt go that far :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

PMSL, Tom did say to me 'apologise to Ferd for me if I was a bit OOC chasing him round the room' :eek: :lol:
just to get me back on track I thought I'd let you know how my weekend was!

Thurs: Straight down to london after work for dinner at my friends in clapham, before heading out to bedrock. Place was absolutely rammed but with a good crowd I thought, all obviously there for the music which was nice 8) . Got kidnapped by mr mark sun (whom I have to say is an absolute legend - thanks for taking care of me Mr Sun!) and onto hidden for the afterparty. In hidden a bouncer nicked £10 off me and tried to steal my mobile phone :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: after he accosted me in the mens bogs but luckily everything was seen by the general manager of the club so I got my phone back. Was quite a scary experience!

Back to a bit of an afterparty in Hoxton and then onto Public Life which was as crazy as it usually is when afterparties are going on, great crowd and mucho fun. Left for a bit but returned when Robder informed me he'd just arrived, got laughed at by Robder for being in a bit of a disgusting state :lol: -finally left the club around 7 or 8 and went back to my friends in clapham for a well earned nap :lol:

Sat: Cooked lots of lovely food at my friends, watched rubbish telly and got the bus home in the evening.

Sunday: Dad and his fiance came up to oxford and we went out to eat at a lovely restaurant, had a completely delicious meal and then for a walk around the meadows to burn some of it off. Shamefully showed my dad where I lived, my father commented that my room has never been clean in the 22 years he's known me :rolleyes: :spank: :lol:

In the evening popped down to london again :rolleyes: to go to Richie Hawtin at SEone club with my techno loving housemate, bumped into a few randoms I'd met at Public Life on the friday afternoon which was funny, the night itself was fantastic - all dark and nasty and brilliant techny nonsense. Finally got back to Oxford mid-morning and slept right the way through until tuesday morning, bright and ready for work 8)