Bank Holiday Rundowns

erm, as above

getting refused entry to Wrong was pretty rubbish. how very dare they...

getting up early sunday morning, heading straight to egg and and meeting MDM Andy and Charlie for breakfast was brilliant.
russ said:
nope, they just didnt want us in there.

their loss.

but a monster pub crawl round brick land more than made up for it

You lot must have looked right dodgy because they let ANYONE into there! ;):lol:
Mark Sun said:
I still can't believe we got refused entry to wrong??!!!

For not adherring to the dress code ffs!!! I mean, it is an after party of an after party :rolleyes: They did us a favour really - we did have a great time on our little bar crawl :lol:
russ said:
erm, thanks becks. should we take that as a compliment?:)

Only joking ;) but seriously, what were you wearing? Because on Sat night there were people in sports clothes, trainers, cyber... basically all kinds of riff raff!
Well this was 'wrong' at Masque as opposed to VVVWI at Turnmills - and it looked really quiet and at least half of us had a nice night's sleep under our belt before coming out, so it was a bit of an odd decision on their behalf. As stated above though, it turned out well as it was good fun around Brick Lane :)
Kang said:
For not adherring to the dress code ffs!!! I mean, it is an after party of an after party :rolleyes: They did us a favour really - we did have a great time on our little bar crawl :lol:

Forgot about that. The girl on the door was properly off it. She asked how many of us there were, looked up the street and muttered something unintelligible about dress codes. That was my prompt to spin on my heels - as if you're gonna beg! (Of course I could of 'made it happen' if I'd wanted to!!:lol: :lol: :lol: )
jessyg123 said:
Although I am now no longer a popper virgin :lol:
Your life will never be the same again :lol:

Jesus, reading all these reviews it definitely sounds like Easter is the best weekend for clubbing/"wrongness" in the year.

Thurs: Bedrock was brilliant. Spent most of the time with Desyn, Demi and Omid. Again superb set, didnt see grego in there unfortunately. Straight on to Hidden, good to see Mark and Naddyz in there. Not a big fan of the venue I have to say.

Sat: Found out Kenny had cancelled The Cross, not a big dissapointment as it was about the main room for me. David Piccioni.. WOW!!! :eek: The guy was outstanding. Set of the weekend for me. Really good dirty electro. including this electro style mix of Discopolis.. never jumped so much for a track!!
Great to see a very worse for wear Buckley ;) , Karen and all the gang :D

On to Vvvwi, which was much better than last time, again caught Buckley sleeping in all different places at Turnmills. It was a bit strange to see hard house in T2 with a very gay crowd, but the main room was rocking with Tim with more housier tunes for the most part.
On to Babs's place which id rather not talk about :lol:

I wish every weekend was an easter weekend:D
Ferd said:
On to Vvvwi, which was much better than last time, again caught Buckley sleeping in all different places at Turnmills.

You didn't see me staggering arounnd in Farringdon 10 hours later patiently waiting for a black cab to pass, completely unaware of my proximity to a mini cab-office despite it's numerous revolving orange lights!:lol:
Buckley said:
Evil Horseyness, Pills, poppers, weed, sleeping in public and me comandeering a 60-seater bus to get 10 or so people from The Cross to Egg.

Venues - 93 feet East, Big Chill, The Cross, Egg, Turnmills, Egg again, Smiths, Big Chill again (I think).....

Covers most of it I think....

Forgot 93 Feet East got a Saturday afternoon visit too, as did The Lock Tavern where it all began about 3pm on Sat.....
Beckiboo said:
Ferd when we you learn :rolleyes: You've got to turn your phone OFF after the club if you want to avoid them :spank: :lol:

Ferd's a willing participant who can handle the pace unlike some lightweights :lol: ;)

Scorecard says D- for you missy, must try much harder next time :twisted: :lol:
Buckley said:
Forgot 93 Feet East got a Saturday afternoon visit too, as did The Lock Tavern where it all began about 3pm on Sat.....

we also went to the Light Bar on Sunday:oops:
Thursday night - drinks with the girls in Soho. Drank faaaar too much wine, gossiped, met a Prince Harry lookalike and danced around.

Friday - So hungover that I couldn't have the lie-in I wanted as I had to keep getting up to get more water. Stayed in that night, drank red and watched the Dawson's Creek finale with my flatmate. Cried my eyes out. :lol:

Saturday - Not a lot in the day, then went to Farringdon to meet up with everyone. Great to all get together, had a good time at Turnmills - can't really remember the music apart from My My My and the Beep Song. :lol:

Sunday - crawled round to a mate's house for a bbq, which quickly got messy. :lol: Ended up going to Sundazed at the Whitehouse in Clapham, then went back and carried on til god knows when.

Monday - got a few hours sleep fully clothed with my contacts still in. Crawled back to mine and watched Robin Hood. Prayed for death. :lol: