Bank Holiday Rundowns


New Member
Thurs - few drinks and then me and Tom headed to Turnmills for Faith :D Faith nights are all always excellent and Thursday was no exception, quality house music all night long and great crowd. Lots of DJs also in the house (Danny Rampling, Sneak :lol: Larry Levan :lol: ) Left at the end and me, Tom and Jamie went back to ours - gave my sis and her b/friend an early wake-up call (just what you want to see at 7am in the morning us lot :eek: :lol: ) Went on a lovely cruise :lol: and then drove over East to go to Toilet. By the time we got there it was 1 in 1 out :rolleyes: so we waited a bit but it was cold and rainy so we went to the T Bar for the Mulletover aftershow :D Perfect for Bank Holiday reprobates, fab music and people crawling around and passing out on the floor (and that was just us :confused: :lol: ) Very OOC, left there early evening and then went back to Jamies for a few drinks and boarded the ship again :lol: Had a few drinks to celebrate our friend's new b/friend (clue her name rhymes with Polly P and he's a big black DJ with the initials CC :lol: :lol: :lol: ) Got home late Friday night.

Saturday - woke up thinking OMG we have to do it all again tonight as plans for a semi-civilised Thursday/Friday had fallen at the first hurdle :confused: Me, Tom, Lou and Jules met Rach and Paul (and Carl :lol: ), Jon and Bec and Jamie and co for pre-drinks and headed to Turnmills (again). Turnmills had got all the old war horses in the house :lol: Alistair Whitehead kicked off playing some proper old skool house, Jeremy Healy was as rubbish DJ as he was 15 years ago :lol: but Tall Paul produced the set of the night (classic after classic exploding moment :D ), then Sonique came on and did what she always used to do best - clear a dancefloor in 10 minutes with her wailing :lol: The back room was playing some proper old-skool classics so we escaped there. Left at the end and went back to ours for another cruise :lol: By midday everyone was lightweighting out on us so time for new recruit in the form of Ferd who popped round, carried on thru-out Sunday bringing new meaning to the world 'messy' :lol: , collapsed Sunday night.

Monday - went out for lunch with my sis and her b/friend in the sunshine, few wines and watched the football.

Great wkend, just what Bank Holidays are made for :D
My easter holidays (ten days 8) ) consisted in five days around Barcelona sleeping lots and spending most nights at the odd 52, and the next five days motoriding the Pyrinees, a bbq with lots of friends who came for the occasion and going out to the local club that was a weird experience being there with the poshest girls and the most rural people
Today I am a jibbering fool with everyone asking if I have a cold :evil: Nothing is worth how I feel today.

I am hanging up my party shoes and buying some slippers.....
My bank holiday was the worst yet :cry: Have already burst into tears 3 times this morning and its only 9.50!!!

Although I am now no longer a popper virgin :lol:
Why have you burst into tears?

I walked past someones house this morning and an old lady waved at me, that set me off crying!
:twisted: I'm being ignored by my so called boyfriend!!!

I wasn't that keen on him to be honest but I can't believe the ignorance!
saw Slam locally on Sunday, im ashamed to admit its the first time I've seen them. They were on top form, if you get the chance, I'd recommend you take a nosey sometime soon. 8)

Saturday was a messy boozy night, I woke up ashamed and in pain (of the headache variety you understand ;)).
Thursday: Rude Boyz at Fire, followed by after hours Gravity at Fire. Good night but a bit too hardcore. Left there at 7am and carried on until 11am at home. :eek: :evil: :eek:
Friday: Nice dinner in Soho and was going to go home to bed but ended up deciding to pop up to Fiction at the Cross for an hour or two. Brilliant night and stayed until 5am. Was tempted by AM on the way home but resisted all temptations.
Saturday: was supposed to go out but the other half hurt his back so stayed in and had an early night.
Sunday: supposed to go to Orange at the Fridge but back problems continued so had a few friends over for Easter dinner and a few drinks and was in bed by 2am. Heard Orange was amazing so pretty gutted I missed it.
Monday: Quiet day, nice food.
I'm glad Im not the only one who feels like bursting into tears at every minute!! :lol:

Thur - Had a lovely curry with Jon and my family to celebrate my mum's birthday. Few drinks and a nice early night, much needed!

Fri - done family stuff, went over to my Granny's to wish her happy Easter, then drove over to Jon's to get ready for the night.
Went to Gallery at Turnmills - was actually a really good night. The current trance is really banging and uplifting, a lot like the old stuff! Had a really ood time dancing and minxing round the club, left there at about 6am and went round to our friends for a mini afterparty. By 8am everyone had lightweighted out on me :rolleyes: (the one time Im up for a carry on and nobody else is!). Jon was falling asleep so we got a cab from there at about 10am and headed home for some sleep.

Sat - had a few hours sleep, woke up feeling terrible knowing we had to do it all over again tonight! :eek: Had lots of texts from Sar and co threatening things if we didnt turn up tonight so we knew we had to at least make an appearance :twisted:
Met up with Babs, Tom, Holly G, Jamie and the rest of the crew in a bar near Turnmills, dosed myself up with a few vodkas then headed into the club.
The night wasn't all that IMO, Tall Paul definately played the best set of the night, but everyone else seemed to be playing cheesey Europop or something! At one point a house remix of a Gorillaz tune was being played in the main room?!!! Errr.... Im sure this doesnt fall into the "House Classics catergory :confused: ). We escaped to the back room where they were playing more oldskool tunes (but the room was empty), but by 5am I was on my last legs, no matter what i done I couldnt perk myself up! So despite a lot of pleading by Jon I managed to resist the offer of an Ealing afterparty ;) , but we popped in to say Hi at Jamie's for a few drinks on the way home.
Left there at about 8.30am then crawled into bed for a marathon 8 hour sleep.

Sun - woke up looking and feeling like death, pigged out all day, watched Casino and tried to resist crying, bed at 10pm.

Mon - watched football all day, ate loads in the evening and watched Robin Hood Prince of Thieves (resisted crying agtain). Then in bed for 9pm.

Why do we do it to ourselves....! Im getting/feeling too old for these double header weekends!
jessyg123 said:
:twisted: I'm being ignored by my so called boyfriend!!!

I wasn't that keen on him to be honest but I can't believe the ignorance!

I am sorry to hear that. I hope things work out :(
Really quiet one for us which was blissfull and well needed.

After being off work for most of the week with a damn cold i went back into work Thursday only to be sent back home again Thursday afternoon so my bank holiday break started then really. I was lucky enough to have Joey at home on an admin day too. Joey picked me up outside work and we went and done our weekly shop to get it out of the way. Stopped off at the chippy en route home and closed the door for the rest of the day / evening.

Friday: Popped easter eggs over to little brother, popped into see my nan and grandad :D, was contemplating taking their offer of spending the rest of the weekend in their static caravan in Wales but resisted for the sake of our sanity :lol:. Went back home and chilled out and then popped into local bar on broad street to say hi to a friend that was dj'ing. Stayed for one drink and then went back to an early night.

Saturday: Stayed in our pj's all day and vegged out with dvd's and bad food :D

Sunday: Went and watched the Villa vs Blues game at bar on broad street. Villa won so Joey was happy and i was happy ogling some footballers for 90 mins. Took a slow drive over to Evesham to visit Joeys sister, she wasnt in so we came back home and chilled out again.

Monday: Went to Aston Hall, Blakesley House, Sarehill Mill and museum in jewelry quarter. Also looked at a few rings while we were in the vacinity, tried some on, cried when i had to give them back :lol:. Went back home and chilled for the evening.

How hardcore am i :spank: :lol:
Evil Horseyness, Pills, poppers, weed, sleeping in public and me comandeering a 60-seater bus to get 10 or so people from The Cross to Egg.

Venues - 93 feet East, Big Chill, The Cross, Egg, Turnmills, Egg again, Smiths, Big Chill again (I think).....

Covers most of it I think....
Following in Buckley's format:

Rooftops, Rocky impressions, dancing to salt 'n pepa in a posh restaurant, befriending Libyan asylum seekers in a club, getting a stream of phone calls from these new friends for days, bank calling as they were "worried" about the excessive caning of my account, being attacked by a mob in Ikea carpark.

Quality weekend

off to Budapest on Friday too!
Best weekend of the year! Just fantastic!!!

Thursday - Went to see Incognito live at the Jazz cafe (wow) and even met my musical idol Bluey which was nice. 8)

Friday - Went to the toilet :eek: :lol: ...saw Mr C spin who was brrrrrilliant!...and went to the T-bar afterwards. Bones and Ramsay were as on form as ever. They're my current fave dj duo - definatley check them out if you can! (& I went all weak at the knees when Smokin Jo showed up. :lol:)

Saturday - Chilled in the bunker all day.

Sunday - Relaunch of golf sale on Hoxton Sq!!! (Golf sale is easily East London's maddest session that started life in the George and Dragon a few years ago, outgrew it and closed down shortly afterwards). Hopefully it's been relaunched on a permanent weekly basis but who knows. Think party monster and then think worse. :twisted:
I seemed to know all the freaks as well which is a tad worrying. :lol: :eek:

V funny pics are up at:

Monday - Opened up the windows, donned a sarrong, erected a parasol and turned the bunker into modling beach for the day. 8) :lol:

Did I mention how much I love this city? :eek:
Buckley said:
Evil Horseyness, Pills, poppers, weed, sleeping in public and me comandeering a 60-seater bus to get 10 or so people from The Cross to Egg.

Venues - 93 feet East, Big Chill, The Cross, Egg, Turnmills, Egg again, Smiths, Big Chill again (I think).....

Covers most of it I think....


I am currently thanking the lord I went out Thursday and Saturday night instead of Sunday.
Thurs - Meet for 'The Drop', then down to Bedrock. Wicked music in all 3 rooms, kidnapped N___ B____ and headed to hidden for the afters, then to my mate's flat in Hoxton, then to the Toilet. Couldn't handle the K-hole mixing of the DJ so left before Mr C for some afters shenanigans at mine before falling into bed at 4pm.

Fri - boozing in farringdon

Sat - pizza, sofa and sky movies

Sun - Met Russ, Mrs Russ, Buckles, Dan x, Robbie G, Jinja, Kang, BBS & friends at Smiths, got refused entry into wrong????!!! Went to 93 FE, then Big Chill, then Retox, back to mine for a refresher then to my mate's house and finally on to a rave in the london met. uni?! Can't remember getting home :S

Monday - drank lots of water and sat out on my roof terrace with my buddies for most of the day
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Buckley said:
me comandeering a 60-seater bus to get 10 or so people from The Cross to Egg.

I've been laughing about this since. We should have taken a picture :lol:

Great weekend, great company, what more can I say ... 8)