Thu - Finished work at 1.00pm - met Mr PL at train station (although had to have a PCP due to the excitement before getting on train

Anyway - we get to London very bright eyed and bushy tailed after a bit of silliness on train (not a good idea in those toilets when hurtling round bends at 90mph

). The flat was fab - 5 min walk from Vic Station (Ideal if we had been going to Pacha as usual..

Got to the The Cross early doors for a chill, meet up with everyone and have a drink or two before the serious naughtiness ensued. I have to say other than the definite lack of a designated dance floor (which I have to say I do like to have in order to show off my dancing prowess) I LOVED The Cross. Its ages since I have been to a club which had the friendliest bar staff, the friendliest security, and by far, the friendliest crowd I have experienced in a long long time. Even down to standing in the Q for the ladies and being offered lots of treats of the powdery variety by various strangers,

free beans by one girl as I made a few furtive enquiries later on for a mate

. I really loved the seating areas outside, the inside little seating areas - ideal for dancing on tables! I totally had a brilliant time. Music was good in that it was fun, it was easy, there were no "look at me's, Look at me!!" etc..... Left the club about 6.30am and decided it was a lovely morning and we should walk back to KX - which was lovely idea and was far better than being kidnapped and being taken back to Wanstead as was the other plan.... Mr PL wanted to get a tube back to Victoria but I insisted on a taxi - the thought of those impromptu stops in tunnels filled me with dread..... but I do remember trying to persuade Mr PL to go on the London Eye (if we went directly there, thus avoiding all the Q's..

he denied me this - and reminded me of my fear of heights...)
Chilled at the flat till about lunchtime - used so much self restraint it was unreal and left a little parcel for the journey home as we figured it was going to do nothing for us in the state we were in at that moment.....
Had a power nap - left the flat (so clean you wouldnt believe!! paranoia or what!) and caught the 5.00pm train back oop North! Oh and did that little parcel do us proud during the journey home!

Got home for 9.00pm - made a quick detour to pick up a few extra supplies

Oh and the dog!!
A bit more naughtiness and a couple of bottles of beer, and that was Thu and Fri done and dusted.....
Sat - shopping (for food - thought it might be a good idea as we hadnt eaten properly since Thu midday

) and relaxed...
Sun - Crap rainy day - did a bit of gardening while it chucked down - made me feel better - Mr PL sat in his office all day working (trying to work - his head was cabbaged still) - I came in and watched crap and chilled with the dog.
Mon - Crap foggy, wet day, watched a couple of DVD's, ate a couple of easter eggs and smoked myself cross eyed...... and bed... 8)
Absolutely brilliant weekend....